Aileuria's Bulletins

Aileuria Discord Server Now Open!

Posted 5 months, 28 days ago by Eschatology

Hello everyone! I’m pleased to announce our discord server is now open! Please click the link to join! ☺️



Heehoo we are slowly getting everything prepared so Aileuria will now officially be looking for January GA and possible permanent artists <3

Please be sure to read the TOS and if you have any questions please ask them below or DM the Aileuria account.


Some things are being finalized but the discord server should be opening soon!

Hello! I am now officially looking for people to help with Aileuria (more specifically the discord)

The Google form below has all the information for what and who I am looking for but please feel free to ask if you have any questions by commenting! 

What I'm looking for currently:
- General mods
- Masterlist Keeper(s)
- Event planner
- Lore keeper
- Shop keeper(s)

(Also looking for a coder(s) down the line to help with world layout/code!! Please feel free to apply now hehe)


Once everything is more set up and I have updated the visual guide I will later look for GA/PA! Tysm for the patience and support of Aileuria!

Raffle Winners + Announcement

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Eschatology

Hello everyone! tysm for joining both the raffle and the myo event!! I have a few announcements to make plus will be announcing raffle winners! 

First up - The Master List:

While also compiling everything on the Aileuria account I also will be keeping track of things on a google sheet here. Since I didn't end up distributing MYO slot numbers during the event please refer to the sheet! (I would recommend using the search function otherwise you will be scrolling through 230+ myos)

If you cannot find yourself on there or I have misspelled your username please let me know in the comments! Those who joined last moment do not have a slot yet on the master list account but feel free to use the google sheet as your proof for the time being!

Please use the character submitted on the master list as the place for transfers so I may keep track of them easier.

I apologize for any confusing stuff going on or me backpedaling on certain things, this is my first time running a cs and I was not expecting over 200 people to end up joining the MYO event or so many questions about deisgns so I'm still learning how to run things!

And onto our next note - Reworking

I will be reworking Aileuria a bit due to the various questions I've received! To be quite honest, I made them in a short amount of time of a few days not knowing what all can and will go into cs so I would like to give them the time they properly need and deserve! I feel as they are now they're a bit limiting and I want to give more leeway so I'll be working hard on that! With that said- please feel free to continue working on your design if wished, I'm unsure how long reworking will take but I will be allowing a free edit for everyone once it is done! If you have questions or concerns about your design please feel free to DM the Aileuria account.

Raffle Winners

Now onto raffle winners!


























I will be dming you guys from the official account by the end of the weekend so please look out for that! Know you are allowed to trade these after a cool down of 7 days has passed!

If there are any other questions please feel free to dm the Aileuria account or comment below and I'll get to it when I can! Thank you so much for all the interest in my closed species, it really means a lot to me!!  

I will be making some changes to how I do the master list! 

All  entries will be recorded on the Aileuria account instead! I will slowly  start uploading all MYO slots and the like there so if you have  notifications turned on for that account I highly recommend you turn those OFF.

I think this seems more common and easier than recording it via google form!

MYO Submission form:

Owner username:

Designer username (if applicable/not the same as owner):

Artist username (if applicable/not the same as owner):

Aileuria type: (common, uncommon, rare)

Species + flower:


please dm this form to the Aileuria account!

If you have any questions please feel free to comment here or DM this account!

MYO Uncommon & Rare raffle

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Eschatology

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the interest in my cs so far! I’m honestly blown away by it so far TT 

As thank you I’ll be doing a little give away since a few were interested in receiving MYO rare slots! As of now, I have no interest in making monetary gain off my closed species so between raffles and offers will be the way to get MYOs and the like!


5 rare MYO or custom slot by me (these do not expire)

10 uncommon MYO or custom slot by me (these do not expire)

How to enter:

- MUST be a member of this world + just comment below with:

your toyhouse username 

maybe share one of your favorite characters! I’d like to see everyone’s ocs outside of this cs <3
You’re free to share this bulletin but it isn’t required to enter!


April 26th

If you already have 2 myo slots you may NOT enter (this is mostly just directed at my mutuals) if a lot of people join I may bump up the prize!

I will also be making a MYO check so people can post their MYO’s so I can make sure they’re acceptable! Thank you again for all the interest so far, I truly appreciate it.

Aileuria Debut MYO Event

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Eschatology

To celebrate the official debut of Aileurias I'll be hosting a MYO Event until May 13th!


Aileuria lore | Aileuria traits | Aileuria world

How to enter:

Join the Aileuria world and fill out this form you can do so here or in the thread over here!

Toyhouse name:

Link to bulletin:


Once you have done so you will have a COMMON MYO slot for an Aileuria! These do NOT expire.