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> By owning or creating a TOY_faced, you agree to these terms and conditions.

> This species has visuals of body horror and some macabre elements to its lore (human extinction, sacrifice, post-apocalyptic). Please take care engaging with this species if these visuals or themes makes you uncomfortable.

> TOY_faced are a closed species created by WWAAYYOOUUTT. There is no claim of ownership of any of the individual traits of the species, and it is openly acknowledged the inspiration and influence that object heads, mech, and sci-fi fantasies in particular have had on this concept.

> Making a TOY_faced without permission is not allowed. Re: the above point, it is impossible and ridiculous to inquire after any design that uses similar elements or traits to a TOY_faced. Inquiries will only be raised if a character or design is claimed to be a TOY_faced when it is not approved, or if tracing or stealing are evident. Harassment will not be condoned.

> The use of a TOY_faced for discrimination or hate speech is strictly prohibited, nor is it allowed for the depiction of incest, pedophilia, or zoophilia. Any form of NSFW is not allowed.

> TOYs and MYOs may only be resold for the value they were acquired with. This means that if a TOY or MYO ticket was acquired through a competition or for free, it cannot be resold. The value may be increased if art is commissioned, in which case the value increases with the amount paid for the art. This does not apply for a MYO that has been designed and approved, only a ticket: the selling of a completed and approved design is up to the designer’s discretion.

> Changes in ownership and voiding must be documented and notified to update the masterlist. See the OWNERSHIP page for more information.

> MYOs must be redeemed and approved by WWAAYYOOUUTT. See the MYO page for more information.

> Redesigns can be tricky: direct message WWAAYYOOUUTT if you’d like to change something about your TOY_faced. Note that the original designer’s TOS must be followed, and that any major design changes or changes in traits likely won’t be allowed.

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Any other questions are welcome in the world comments!