
Cascada Colony

A Hollowed-out planet breaking apart into space. Its notable for its Blue Giant and Blue Dwarf Suns, along with 3 moons.


This specific section of the planet is actively having bits and pieces of its ground torn up without warning. Its surface is already dead and deprived of any nutritional matter. So, the grups who still reside here are starved and very aggressive. They will not hesitate to cannibalize any sort of rescue party thanks to the rescuers having a substantial amount of nutrients to them.

The homes here are disheveled and broken apart; debris is often in the air and can knock someone out very quickly. All in all, this is an active area in which the planet is crumbling and these grups have no way off planet nor the energy to make it to the other regions.

Kalveron [Kal-ver-on]

This area of the world is hanging on by a thread. It was hit once already leaving many various gigantic sink holes littered around. This area is also deprived of most matter that has nutritional value, but these grups are trying to bring life back to this space to survive. Many of these grups are those who have survived and escaped The Rifts. They keep shelter in what is ruins of their cities.

These are the times in which the species will reflect back and regret not taking the opportunity for food synthesizers way back when joining the Union. They can eat almost anything, yes, but not stuff that won't keep them alive. Nevertheless, these Grupups are seeking out rescue teams to get off planet, but where they are now is kind of a gaurenteed death

Cuinox [Sigh-nox]

This is one of the two standing small areas of the world that have been left almost untouched. The grupups who live within this small research town are in denial about their planet being ready to collapse within the next six months. They have successfully managed to bring greenery and life back to their little area of the world and have kept enough small farms growing to keep everyone in their area fed and alive. There's never a surplus of food, its either just barely enough or enough for everyone to have one meal.

Their home is full of more modern buildings for the year they are in, slick and sterile. They don't believe to have any chance of falling to the sinkholes and gravitational pull of their suns. But times slipping and they are running out of options. There is a small team dedicated to trying to solve how to stop their planet from fully crumbling, but they simply,, don't have enough time - Too little, too late.

Salyn [Say-lan]

This is the second of the two places pretty much untouched. While Cuinox is a small research town, Salyn is a massive city. This city in the past 20 years have poured all its resources and time into producng cruisers large enough to fit a good portion of their remaining population. As well as into food production so they would be able to survive for when the doomsday finally arrived. In the past couple months, they have sent many rescue teams to save those in the shattered parts of their world- very few came back.

With only having about 6 months left, they can't waste any more time; ships are being sent out left and right. The city itself is massive and some believe that'll be enough to protect them from what is happening to their planet. In general, there is a very skeptical mindset laced with the panic of looming doom.

Luvell Colony

Luvell has the same suns as Cascada & 4 Moons. This planet previously has been uninhabited before the Grupups settled.

Crystal Garden

This little, cavernous area was a wonderful discovery when the Grupups were first exploring the planet when they were trying to find a place to properly settle. The crystals that grow here mimic that of fields and trees, it's like a forest was covered in crystal and slowly, overtime, became crystal itself. These crystals have a compound that works very well with the cell-regeneration that Grupups have! Meaning when they consume these crystals; they are able to heal faster and heal internal damages.

This means that Grupups whose stomach lining begins to tear and they are slowly dissolving themselves, they can consume one of these crystals and heal their lining for another few years. They can get upwards of an additional 25 years the larger the crystal is they can consume. The crystals are tended to and cultivated carefully, they are ground up and sold, full crystals are mined and sold as well. Expensive but its a payoff for the dangerous setting to get to the cavern. As you have to carefully scale down a rope that's over a gaping chasm.

La'Ex [Lay-x]

Another wonderful area that the Grupups explored while trans versing through this massive planet. About 80% of the planet surface is covered by that of these huge, lush forests; about 10-25feet below the surface are wells upon wells of deep and nutritious water. There are literal seas under these forests. This can make the area very susceptible to sinkholes but that's a small price to pay for such a lush, green area with hundreds of different food options. This part of the world has become that of farming facility that cultivates and ships off any and all excess foods.

The population on this planet is small and regulated, they are confined to the 20% of the world that is not covered by lush forest or the crystal garden. There are a few grups, however, that do have small treehouse homes within these large forests. Keeping themselves hidden to keep a private little paradise of delicious foods

Eda'Non [Edd-a-non]

This area of the world is the 20% not covered by lush forest. In total however, there's only about 10% of that that is actual livable land. Some Grups have created structures and homes under the waters of the planet while most settle on the shorelines. Those who settle on the shorelines live in more ancient style homes; ones they learned about when researching other planets. They are quaint and small with primitive technologies that are interesting to them.

Most of the land far from these homes is thick meadows that are dangerous to pass through thanks to burrowing creatures that drag an unsuspecting prey down. Many grups either work as fishermen or work to cultivate in the mines and forests. There's not a huge population here but due to grups being small in their grub form, they take advantage of the small bit of land and happily work on keeping their newfound home, lush green and very healthy.


A Planet that has a thick electrical fog and rocky terrain. Shares the same suns as Cascada, has 1 moon. Mining Colony.

Obsix 24-B [Ob-Sick]

While there are no full residential buildings within this specific area of the planet, there are small barracks buildings for those who are sent here to mine. No one comes to this colony unless they have a death wish, or they are under contract to do so. This planet's surface is very rocky and steep, having thick electrical fog that can drop you anywhere from barely an inch to over 100 feet down. Grups have to move very carefully on the terrain! However, they are on this planet for two reasons. One of which is why this specific place exists.

Obsix is that of a mining facility. This planet has billions of pockets full of very rich materials, including one that is needed to create the fuel for the massive starships within the union. The terrain is very dangerous and many, many grupups lose their live prematurely here. But it's a high risk, high reward sort of job and many come to terms with their lives here.

Eurytus [Yer-eye-tus]

This is the residential area that exists within a walking distance of the mine's elevator. It's placed against a cliffs edge that has various fences installed to prevent just how many deaths occur here. This is the place in which the miners come to rest before they get up and go again. Since the fog is so thick and crackles with energy, they don't run off any sort of day/night cycle. But rather simple hours. It's very easy to lose track of time and how much of it has passed while living here.

The town itself has more modern, industrial buildings- some residential, some are plants that process the minerals and materials to be able to use for themselves and also sell off to the rest of the union! This is also the place in which, once every month, a Grupup cargo ship will land and gather up the resources for that month. very rarely does someone form this planet's surface manage to leave via this ship, but every once in a while- they draw a raffle and the lucky few who win it- take priority in leaving for a better life.


This is probably the one gem on this planet! It's not lush, but it supports some form of nutrient filled organic matter that allots for the Grups of this world to survive and be somewhat healthy! There's small little farming facilities & homes that keep the Grups safe and comfortable. They often meet with cargo ships to receive food for the rest of the planet that they distribute! There's a calmly, eerie feel to this area.

There's a very small population in this 'Eye of the storm' due to one major factor; it rains sulfuric acid. A very strong acid. So, the Grupups that reside here must have an immunity to acid or they will die if they get caught up in the very, very frequent rainstorms.
Luckily this area has next to no dense fog like the rest of the planet, but it does make it extremely difficult to go from no fog to the dense, dark and really dangerous terrain to make the trips to deliver rations to the mining facilities around the planet.

Cascada Star System

These two planets are inhabited and do not have the ideal conditions. Some Grups live on them, however.


This utopia like world was considered for habitation, but it was already inhabited! The Grupup who initially touched foot on this planet also never returned. Come to find the truth of this planet when one distraught Grup from the four research parties they sent returned in a disastrously beat up ship. Well, they had to check it off their list of potential planets to say the very least. This planet is ethereal when you touch down onto it, it looks almost ripped out of a storybook. Beautiful waterfalls, a gorgeous green landscape with wonderous creatures. The people here are drop dead gorgeous, with thin limbs and long eyelashes. They speak softly and are sweet and accomidating.

It's been discovered however that they work to fatten up a Grup, pack them full of nutrients their bodies can't break down without help and consume the unsuspecting grup. While these inhabitants can be avoided to live a peaceful life on the surface, many of the plants and animals have a drug-esc effect that causes memory loss and lethargic feelings. Very few Grups have managed to create a colony in a secret out cove of this planet- waiting for a rescue.


A planet completely secluded in the darkness of space, lit by a sun that that only lights a small portion of the planet's surface for a short period of time. Nights here last almost 30 hours of the 45-hour days they have. The inhabitants of this planet are either docile or aggressive, those that migrate with the light are calm and docile, those in the night are aggressive. Grupups who live here often follow the adaptions of whichever part of the world they absorb themselves into! The planet's surface can be akin to that of a lush forest that has light periwinkle leaves with much darker trunks, the grass also shares the light periwinkle. It's a beautiful planet in both the sun and moon.

This planet is not short of edible matter! There are hundreds of different plants that bloom and grow in the moonlight, they have a unique, velvety soft and sweet taste & texture. It's almost addicting to consume. This is the main appeal for most Grups to have created a colony here, however they had to decide against that decision once the night rolled around and most of the exploration team was massacred in a horrendously violent way. 

Union Space

This region of space is in The Union, these planets welcome Grupups to take resident. Their locations are far apart.


There's not a whole lot to say about how earth is in this universe! Humans still exist and the tech & buildings are much more advanced than they once were. Humans still have conflicts but nothing super serious! Healthcare, food, clean water, illness, all of that is no longer an issue. Your sexuality or you as an individual; as long as you aren't hurting someone or yourself, you are okay! Everyone's treated as human, everyone has rights. You'll find huge cities that are sleek and having hover vehicles. Humans got their shit together.

Though even still, they can be assholes when there's new creatures that mare residency on their planet! This is a kind of hostility that was met when the Grupups first toured their planet. But as time has gone on since the first contact, humanity has grown a lot and their planet is a nice little vacation spot for Grupups who have spent many years working and upping their social status with the things they do. 

Ursae-28 [Er-Sae]

This is another planet that Grupups will occasionally be sent to for mining reasons! See this planet's surface is covered in glass and sand! All the reflective surfaces cause this planet's surface to get upwards of 500 Degrees. So, it's safe to say a Grupup would fry like a goddamn raw egg left in a hot car in the middle of summer in like California. The grupups who have an immunity to high heats will make residency here as it is a beautiful plane with various nutritious crystals!

In general, most living beings here reside in deep underground facilities, spending about 80% of the day in the bunkers because it's too hot for their equipment & themselves to be able to do much until the night falls and it cools to a much better 100-200 degrees. Some gupups will work on the mining the rich and rare gasses from the crystals while others worth on keeping the energy of the underground facilities up and running.


This is another planet that isn't quite a first pick or an acquired taste for grupups to live! It is an inhabited planet with deep and bright red tints to its sky, grass, dirt- just about anything including the water! This is another planet that those with an acid immunity could enjoy living on! Due to their waters being a stronger acid than sulfuric acid, it causes the rain to be horrendous. But the plants and wildlife thrive off of this.

Surprisingly, the food here isn't poisonous to a lot of species, The way its prepped, the intense acid is cut back and reduced to safe levels of consumption. Due to how it is prepared; food synthesizers cannot properly replicate the taste. So Grupups who choose to live here often integrate with the species who inhabit the planet and their laid-back culture. They are more or less fishermen and divers, most of their planet is water with maybe 3 land masses! So majority of the work is done and delt with the vibrant red oceans.

Union Hub

The union Hub is a MASSIVE space station. It can hold billions of different creatures if not more. Union ships depart from here and this is the place the leaders of various species will meet in order to discuss what to do in situations or if there is a threat. Grupups have been a part of the Union for over 200 years at this point if not longer. They never traveled much until the last 20 years where they've been basically forced to. The grand halls of the hub and its various simulated areas [Some to look like malls or outside], it's a home to some.

One thing that may draw a Grupup in to stay in the union hub is the personal quarters they can obtain with enough social credit. Since actual physical items or credits are what settle your role in society, your social status does. The higher the social status; the better the room. The best of the rooms offers the opportunity to simulate ones home planet or even a specific place with specific people. Many grupups have found the biggest sense of comfort being able to see their home planet in a more,, alive state

Uncharted Space

Ah, the vastness of space and its wonders. There's still so much to the galaxy that has left to be explored, many crevasse of already known system to iron out. Many first contacts and civilizations to discover out there. This is the Uncharted space that the union seeks to explore.

This is where a good majority of the Grupup species has ended up. Due to their ability to be well, immune to electricity and electrical currents, they are perfect for engineering jobs on Explorer vessels and starships as a whole. The Grupups are also, funnily enough really durable and amusing to the crew members due to their ability to shift and consume just about anything. So, they don't mind it, it's a wonderful chance to learn even more about the species they discover.