Frequently Asked Questions

What is a closed species?
A closed species is a species created by a person that only specific people can make.

What is a ramuwne?
Ramuwnes are a species of carbonated soda creatures born in the depths of an ancient forest called the "Ramu Forest." They are guarded by a great fog that's so thick no one can come in without passing out and reappearing right outside of the forest.

How can I get one?
You can get one through sales, trades, events, MYO sales, staff and GA customs, and raffles! Adopts are sold regularly and can be found at the world here or in the #adopts-and-customs channel on the Discord.

Are they free?
Most ramuwnes are sold for money or traded for art or other designs. There are occasional raffles and MYO events where you can get a design or an MYO slot for free.

How can I buy a MYO?
MYO sales are held occasionally, usually for the species currency marbles. MYO sales will be announced when they happen. MYOs may also be obtained through trades with other people, giveaway and prize raffles, event prizes, and GA rewards.

Can I make adopts?
No. Only guest artists and official staff are allowed to make adopts. Each month new guest artists are chosen, so feel free to apply! Guest artist applications are opened through Discord announcements.

What are marbles?
Marbles are the species currency! You can use the currency to purchase items, MYOs, adopts, and more!

What is a masterlist, and how do I get on it?
A masterlist is a way to track official ramuwne designs and MYO slots, as well as who owns them.

To submit your ramuwne design or MYO to the ML:

  1. Navigate to #masterlist-submissions
  2. Copy the form and fill it out with how you acquired the design or MYO (attach screenshot proof), who originally designed it (if anyone), the username of the owner, and what traits were used.
  3. If you did it correctly, a staff member will react with ✅ and your design or MYO slot will be added to the masterlist. If you did it incorrectly, a staff member will reply to you and explain what needs to be corrected. Please resubmit instead of editing the form when you make changes.
  1. Navigate to the species group
  2. Submit your MYO to the MYO folder with proof of slot (such as linking the MYO slot masterlist upload), the designer, and the traits used in the post description.
  3. A staff member will comment on if it was correct or not and what you need to change, if any changes are necessary.
  4. You may also communicate with a staff member through notes to get help with your design and approval.



What are seasonal traits?
Seasonal traits are traits that are only available during certain months. You can only use them if your MYO is from that month, or if you are a Guest Artist or staff, submitting the adopt design during that month. You need to use a seasonal MYO that month to get the seasonal traits.