Fields of Temperance

The warm sun reaches over every inch of these glowing fields, this part of the hive is calm and warm, and those who inhabit it are welcoming to all who enter and often greet them with baked goods and native flowers. The hive is bright and everywhere you look you will find stunning flora and fauna cared for by the alumys in the fields. The hive is ruled by the merciful Amalthea who treats each of her subjects with great respect and love, arguments within her territory are very rare and when they happen are usually resolved quickly and smoothly without means for violence. 


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70045693_zyReRTIC79SJr1Y.jpgAmalthea's partner just so happens to be the embodiment of the sin wrath, she seems to be the only one who can calm his deep rage, they have a son named Anteros who is the embodiment of lust. Amalthea loves her son and mate more than anyone and will lecture anyone who calls her son names such as 'evil' within the hive(even if he's been up to mischief as he usually is).