


  • Looks typical to a real life person, same anatomy and functions
  • Humanoid is a generalization of multiple planetary species.
    • Earth, Bulkochsung, and Umgekehrt have a majority native Humanoid population.
  • Some have pointed ears and powers, but if they look similar to a real life human then they are classified as a Humanoid within this universe.

Fun facts:

  • Earth is based on the real world Earth, nothing too special outside of the lore there.
  • Bulkochsung is heavily Korean based, taking from the mythos from the country and majority characters being Korean in ethnicity. Like.. Space Korean and not Earth Korean. Korean coded.
  • Umgekehrt is German based in names and language, however the majority of people on Umgekehrt are not coded German ethnically. 



  • Nirenhua all have animal characteristics, the amount can vary from person to person however.
    • Some are full furries, some only have animal ears, some only have tails, some only have the functions of the animal they are.
  • Nirenhua are able to mix with other species just fine due to their similar anatomy to them, Humanoids being the most common mixture.
  • Nirenhua can be any land animal, but NOT aquatic animals. This does include bugs sometimes.
  • Dongwuqun is the native planet to Nirenhua and has the largest population of them.

Fun facts:

  • meow



  • Wyverns are a draconic species, being anthropomorphic but heavily differing from Humanoids and Nirenhua.
  • There are two types of Wyverns, Brynvarinn (Armored), and Viðkvæm (Unarmored)
    • These two types have had beef since their conception, always ending in war.
  • Wyverns are very reclusive, the planet not being as technologically advanced as other planets, almost on purpose. It's near impossible to leave Drekijǫrð without outside help.
  • Drekijǫrð is the native planet to this species, they almost exclusively live here. Wyverns outside of Drekijǫrð usually have a very special reason for leaving the planet.

Fun facts:

  • meow



  • Pyrs are a very special case. 
    • Any species can be a Pyr, however they are not seen as pureblood due to having to be turned into a Pyr. 
    • The purebloods being Pyrs who have always been Pyrs.
  • People can be turned into Pyrs by a Pyrs Blood somehow reaching the person's bloodstream, Be it from biting them or from a superficial wound.
  • Pyrs are feared throughout the galaxy, people scared of being near one in fear of being turned into one (be it on purpose or accident).
  • Incorporea is the native planet of pureblood Pyrs.

Fun facts:

  • meow



  • There are 4 types of Sorcerers.
    • Nar (fire), Ma (Water), Huwa (Air), and Ardh (Earth).
  • All Sorcerers come from the planet Buhayra

Fun facts:

  • meow



  • meow
Fun facts:
  • meow