Welcome to the world of Mousecones! A semi-closed species made by Derpcat.

Mousecones are a semi-closed original species made by Derpcat. Mousecones are a small mouse with a ice-cream cone-like texture for their tail and inner ears. These little fellas make excellent pets and companions.

Check out the getting start folder to get started!

Mousecones are still a work in progress so some features may be inaccessible. 

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Latest Bulletin

Easter event perhaps? (POLL)

Posted 3 months, 8 days ago by Derpcat

Is the easter event a good idea?

9 Votes Yeah you should host it and I will be attending
0 Votes Yeah you should host it but I won't/can't attend

Im thinking of maybe hosting an easter event

It wont be too large. Ngl it will be kind of hard to host an event for an open species

What I'm thinking of is hiding little coloured text everywhere in the world and my profile. If you find the coloured text, link where you found it and type the text.
Example of coloured text: Easter egg :D

None of the text I have in the world and profile is coloured and if it is im pretty sure you can tell it isnt apart of the easter event.

The prizes won't be too large. Just adopts and maybe customs. But it would be useless to hold an event if people don't attend so Imma see if people will attend.
BTW discord will be made soon im just really low on motivation atm.

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Yes bulletins are fine you are free to make them

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Well I’ve made a free one, Derpcat hasn’t really been active on this world. There’s no server yet 

Don’t forget to update the staff list :>

I have 1400 qid, can I sell my uncommon MYO ticket? Btw what are mutation tickets

Yeah uncommon MYO tickets can be sold. Do you want to sell them?

Also mutation tickets arent available yet. They are also a trait ticket, I just havent specifically made the trait sheet for them yet

9 Replies

So how exactly do we make our own mousecone? Is there like a base or something we can use?

Oh you just draw using the trait and anatomy guide. I havent made any bases yet

2 Replies