Of Discord's Calling


Of Discord's Calling is a story about a young girl who wants to live her youthful life in peace, preferably away from any breathing being. Unfortunately for her, she's unique enough to be hand-picked as a warrior to be trained by a rather ecstatic stranger - something she has very little interest in.




05/05 -- TH World updated! [VER. I]

02-05/03 -- Nade'ja + Ciern template filled

02/03 -- TH Character template done

xx/03 -- Script for Prologue finished


A collection of various key worldbuilding elements for Of Discord's Calling. These mostly include information about species and magic, fragments of which may be copied into character profiles.

This isn't fully done! Any new updates will be logged in the UPDATES tab above.


Witches are a species closely connected to the earth and nature around them. They're considered one of the more unique, varying species due to their 'chaotic' properties (Other species usually resemble only one particular part of the world, like PLANTfolk. Witches, on the other hand, possess more than one defining feature.)


Their appearance is very characteristic. Some of the more common traits include diamond-shaped horns with glowing parts in the front, long, colorful tails and double ears.


Their bodies can generate one of three magic types: fire, energy, or air, and wield it as they please. Aside from that, they possess the ability to shift their body structure into animal-like limbs for short or extended spans. They are also able to fall into hibernation to restore or strengthen their power. In the past, they could do it on their own, but the invention of "Hibernation chambers" has become a standard to aid with better-controlled rest.

Miscellaneous abilities include better hearing (due to the doubled amount of ears) but decreased agility - especially in adults with fully evolved tails.

CHARACTERS: Nade'ja, Ciern


Plantfolk is a species with little magical abilities. Their most prominent feature is their plant-like appearance. It's common knowledge that they are known for their unique cuisine that is often meant to assist healthy growth. It can be peculiar to other species.


Plantfolk's bodies largely resemble a type of plant, something unique for each family. They don't grow hair - instead, their heads have petals, and leaves of a specified plant sprout out from the top. In certain cases, female Plantfolks can produce fruit. To maintain a healthy form, Plantfolk need to stay hydrated and be outside daily. Duration and level of sunlight may depend on an individual's personal needs. If someone is not taking care of themselves properly, It will come through in their form as their skin and petals begin to dry out.


The plant on the top of their head will carry the same properties as a regular plant of the same kind (ex. chamomile can be used for tea). It's also just as flammable as regular verdure. Other than that, they don't carry many magical abilities.



Magmafolk (placeholder name) is a species originating from a foreign land, which explains its out-of-place features. While Plantfolk or Witches evolved to settle in a forest setting, Magmafolk came from rocky and hot terrain.


The most well-known attribute that stands out most is their rough, textured, rock-like skin, with pieces of stone often sticking out in selected body regions (shoulder blades, elbows, thighs, and neck, to name a few). Their skin is always warm, no matter the weather, and is immune to fire or lava. One other feature is their hair. While normal most of the time, in moments of heightened emotions, the strands will begin producing a substance resemblant to boiling magma. It will continue extending until the person has calmed down, at which point the matter will begin to cool down and harden. After a certain amount of time, It can be snapped off.



Animalfolk (placeholder name) is less of a defined species and more of a group of people with similar features. They can vary from one another so much that there isn't a lot of connected attributes between families from different regions. The degree of similarity to an animal can also vary - It can go from similar skin texture to looking nearly identical to an animal.

Most common families are Lizards, Boars, Bats and Lynx.


Similarly to Plantfolk, Animalfolk don't have many magical abilities. Aside for additional in/decreased core strength, agility or otherwise (intact with the animal they resemble), they do not possess any specific traits.



The story takes place in a very lush region. There are barely any empty fields, the area is heavily forested, and even the massive caverns underneath resemble an overgrown grove rather than a typical chasm.

The flora is taking over the land from top to bottom; fog and heavy humidity are common, while sunlight is accessible in emptier spaces only. It's common for bigger towns to be created in those locations.

The trees are very high and nearly impossible to cut down without damage or potential casualties, which is why people resolved this issue by hollowing out the trees or building on top of them in areas suitable for settlement. However, some decide to take it a step further and branch out to the outer layers of the treetops. Due to their nature, moss and grass can sprout out on the top of the bark, which may provide many unique opportunities. The most common type of tree is the Roughbark Pine. It's very tall; the bark is rough in texture, which makes the tree look crooked, while the leaves resemble the one of a willow tree - long vines covered in long leaves.

On the other hand, some decide to go underground instead. Building on the inside of caverns is much easier due to the ability to create more space at will, and even though there is a limited amount of edible seeds that grow without sunlight, It's not much of an issue. However, the danger of this alternative is the invasive species like moles or spiders that may crawl out and pose a threat to the villagers. Although, potential infestations don't seem to stop new settlements from being created.


The culture in the world of "Of Discord's calling" is inspired by Slavic culture, specifically of central Europe. While it's not a crucial element of Nade'ja's story, It's noticeable - notably, based on how people dress, much of which is inspired by what I've seen in my environment.



Starting Settlement
Ciern's Hideout
Rockwood Fighting Ring
Witch Village
Lushful hollow

species - world