Zreyn Meagher

Zreyn Meagher

"Making a thorough plan is just a piece of cake for me!"

【full name】 Zreyn Alexia Meagher
【alias】 Zreyn, Lexie, Lyosha
【age】 15
【birthday】 November 7
【height】 160 cm
【status】 Half-blood (O-type)
【wand】 12 ½", black Walnut, dragon heartstring
【patronus】 Non-corporeal
【hometown】 Edinburgh, Scotland
【voice HC】 Ai Kakuma


Zreyn Alexia Meagher is a fourth-year student of Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hailing from Scotland, Zreyn is a prim and proper young lady who comes from an opulent family, a wizard-born entrepeneur and a noble sorceress.

Unlike other young wizardkind, Zreyn comes from a family with a relatively weak magical bloodline. She doesn't grow and get accustomed to the wizarding community and heritage. Her family doesn't rely much on magic either, making her used to live her life as muggles do. Thus, it became a surprise to the family when she can awaken her magic and received a letter from Hogwarts, to boot. In spite of her wish to get sorted into Ravenclaw, alas, the Sorting Hat valued her ambition more and placed her in the Slytherin, to her dismay. Granted, she is able to gradually grow over the years, despite her struggles to face the reality of getting sorted into the house she likes the least. Zreyn also excels in some classes, mainly through her hardworking efforts, as her magic is relatively on a standard fare to her peers.


  • books, especially about rune
  • her hair
  • tea cakes, especially lemon bars
  • thorough plans she made


  • being underestimated
  • failure
  • vegetables


  • Her favorite subjects are Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes, while her least favorite subjects are Transfiguration and Potion.
  • Her boggart is fear of failure, which manifests as flying numerous rejection letters. When riddikulus cast, the letters shred themselves and turns into colorful confetti.
  • She regards her sorting to Slytherin as her biggest failure, as she wished to be in Ravenclaw. She thinks Slytherin only a House without any redeeming quality and afraid of prejudices people would have against her. Hence, she doesn't want to be in that house.

Yoshiro Tohma

Courtship partner due to their parents' business. She does find him interesting and charming, and sees him as a reliable person.


Felicia Morra

A relative, distant cousin, and fellow aristocrates. She often finds Feli at parties and they like to bond over cute things, tea and sweets, and giving Kay a dolled up attires.


Kaylina Yankova

Cousin from her paternal side. Her relationship with Kay is on vitriolic spectrum, as she doesn't fond of Kay's nonchalatness vice versa.

Reina Tohma

future version

【kanji】 東魔藍媛
【called】 Reina
【age】 28
【birthday】 November 7
【height】 167 cm
【status】 Half-blood (O-type)
【job】 CEO
【residence】 Vancouver, Canada
【voice HC】 Ai Kakuma


Reina Tohma, professionally known as Zreyn Meagher, is a half-blood witch and a CEO. Opposing her status as a witch, Reina mainly engages herself in the muggle society due to her NGO that caters to both muggle and wizardkind, held by her family for several generations.

Living in Vancouver, Canada, with her own little family, Reina is currently juggling between managing her business and her family life. When things get quite hectic as well as her husband is not around due to work, she would have her the godparents to help her taking care of her sons. She also tries her best to keep being available for her sons and makes some clear rules, such as reserving the weekends for a family and resting time instead of working.

While already being a mother, she still mingles in the season from time to time with her colleague, albeit at a lesser frequency. She and her husband also try to bond as a family with their kids, especially when they have free time from work or on a long holiday. On such less-than-often occasions, they are usually going to some attractions or vacationing to a different continent to visit their relatives.



  • cocktails, especially kir and bijou
  • her children
  • successful forecast


  • cooking
  • being underestimated
  • unplanned situations


  • Although she has been married and adopting a name in her husband's native language, she is still using her maiden name mainly for business purpose and mingling with the associates.
  • She still uses magic for practical reasons, albeit not as often as she used to do since she deals with muggle more than wizardkind. She specifically uses it often for commuting as it is much more efficient or for practicing with cooking.
  • Her current concern is how to get her children to eat her cooking, as she is unskilled at that, yet she doesn't want to rely often on ready-made food.

Alexander Meagher

genderbend version

【name】 Alexander Richard Meagher
【called】 Alexander
【status】 Half-blood
【type】 O-type
【age】 15
【height】 170 cm
【school】 Hogwarts
【year】 Fourth-year
【voice HC】 Nobunaga Shimazaki


Alexander Richard Meagher is a cranky and bossy young man. Alex is the type of person who likes to have everything under his control and command. He is earnest and perfectionist, even as far as minding the straightness of his school robe's hem. He is also a hardworker who likes staying up studying until late, but doesn't let his pride admitting that and would rather keep his haughty persona.



  • being knowledgeable
  • one-upping people
  • newly polished shoes


  • nikolai
  • sloppy people
  • got his hardwork known


  • As a genderbend, he has the same magical properties with his original counterpart.
  • While he conducts his manner properly, Alex, however, is not above cursing with 'bad words' when in a furious state, contrasting to his counterpart.
