Tough Breaker/Fight!! (Plot)




For you see, Takeo isn't your average, well-to-do teenager. He's the toughest Delinquent in all of Japan. Feared across all the prefectures with his tough guy attitude and street fighting abilities, guys want to be like him and the gals want to be with him! When you hear the rattle of his gold chain necklace, you know something's about to go down! This signature call sign of his even garnered him the nickname of 'The 24k Bancho' in some circles.

But the truth is, Takeo wants to stop fighting. He feels that he's plateaued as a fighter and it's boring being the #1. He would rather live the life of a normal, no thrills teenager. But that could never happen, especially now that he's ingrained as Japan's #1 Delinquent, so it looks like he'll have to go out fighting...

That is until he finds out that he's moving to the United States! Now living in the fictional town of Southbend Hallow in Hillcrest Valley County, New York, he's finally left his old life behind. He hasn't thrown a punch nor kick since he left Tokyo, he's pursing fighting games as a hobby and he even scored himself a summer job as a Pizza delivery boy!

It seems like he's finally happy, finally at peace after so long. But of course, this newfound peace wasn't meant to last.

Word has traveled to the Delinquent life of Hillcrest that Japan's #1 himself is now living among them. Once the news made it to the county boss and head-hancho of all Upstate NY Delinquents, he sends his goons out to hunt down the former #1 of Japan.

As much as he doesn't want to, Takeo will have to raise his fists one more time, especially if it's the only way he'll be able to live happily ever after in peace.

Talk about your tough breaks! But luckily Takeo still has the guts to be a real Tough Breaker!


Yep. Another typical Hot Blooded Shounen schlock fest from me by the sounds of it. What can I say? I'm a sucker for that sort of deal! But the IronfistClown faithful might be going 'Hey wait a minute, this sounds eerily familiar to..."

Yes. That's right. What you just read is basically New York Densetsu, a prior failure of mine, 2.0. As much as I've lambasted it over the years, it still struck a cord with me. It was my first OC thing. It was something that defined my start as a creative. So as much as I hated it, I could never really forget it.

Honestly, the problem was that I was confused about what I wanted it to be. Back then, I wanted NYD to be a tribute/deconstruction of Shounen, but I didn't have it in me to be witty about it while still being a shounen, like One Punch Man does.

Either way, welcome back to like Tabayo. You've got another shot in this world.





More fuel for my fires! Barely even touched upon Tough Breaker, but I'm already starting yet ANOTHER story! But it's ok because A.) Takes place at the same time as Tough Breaker and B.) characters from both stories will appear in each other's story as it even takes place in the same town! So really it's still just one new story~



St. Rutten Girls Academy, an all girl's private school located in Upstate New York. Depending who you ask, they'll tell you it's either a paradise of higher education or an unforgiving prison where the worst of the rowdiest are sent to be straightened out.

Two girls from opposite worlds enroll: Bea 'B.B' Bannerman and Angela Mendoza. Bea has dreams of being anĀ apiarist and zoologist and Angela just wants to do nothing more than fight.

Despite their differences, the two become good friends, and it's this friendship that might just turn the Academy on it's head as the Prim and Proper butt heads with the Wild and Rowdy!

One thing's for sure though! There's gonna be a lot of fighting in Fight!! St. Rutten Girl's Academy!
