
Welcome to St.Greggorsburg, a seaside city with a beautiful beach front, but also scummy slum areas and a lively downtown area full of various clubs and other establishments.  Neon lights, loud noises, vehicles idling in back-to-back traffic.  Everyone and anyone is welcome here.  The city is so packed, there are underwater houses and apartments available for rent.  Water pollution is quite as horrible as you'd expect thanks to the sea-living community and their conservation efforts.  As a result, sometimes fights break out on the beaches if someone living in the sea witnesses someone littering.  ("HEY!  That's going to end up MY problem if you leave that there!  Ignorant Land-dwellers...")  Despite this, the beaches are vast enough and popular with the citizens.  ("Greggorsians")

There is a smaller quaint mountain town near-by called Edertsville that citizens usually choose to escape to for the weekends.  Strict pollution laws keep the air quality high and you can see the smog of St.Greggorsburg on clear days.

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