JellHeads CS ARPG's Comments

hi! what happens if i don't have a deviant art, twitter or tumblr? 

Your account won't be able to be verified and useable without any of them><

could i just make a throw away account and use that?

That's fine

🌟You found something Shiny!🌟
Reply to claim

(3 Users may claim)

-Claims and uses a lucky petal-

You found 6 Shards

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly! >Inventory

Claim, using lucky petal

You found 3 Shards

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly! >Inventory

This user is not visible to guests.

You found 

4x Shard

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly! 


✨ You found something shiny ✨


Note: You need an inventory to claim.


You found 

1x Shard

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly! 


This user is not visible to guests.

You found 

6x Shards

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly! 


Claim please ^^

You found 

5x Shards

Your finding will be added to your Inventory shortly! 


✨ You found something shiny ✨


Note: You need an inventory to claim!

Sorry zirlia hebdhhhsjd


You gave a wonderfull Hug!!
As a Reward you got
3 Shards!!


Sorry as well... -guiltily finds shiny-

You saw a Baby playing with shards!
You guiltily stole 5 Shards from them....


You found something shiny✨    

Reply to claim!

(3 Users)

Note: You need an inventory to claim!

claim! :>

A bean floats towards you, it seems lost.

You found
1x JellBean | #M20

Added to your Inventory!



yum, shards

You found

6x Shards

Added to your Inventory!


Brrrrrrr (Sorry Toast xD)

You found

2x Shards

Added to your Inventory!




oh man >:O