


The world in which Fler’s live in is similar to our own, if not a bit more potent with its magic. There are humans, but there are also wizards, witches, and all manner of otherworldly beings. There’s no real ‘beginning’ for the Fler’s as a whole, they’ve always been around since the first spark of magic.


There are four main elements most Fler’s utilize as magic.





There  are also sub-categories that stem off of the main elements. But they are much rarer, and because of this they don’t have their own court.

Shadow = Earth

Light = Fire

Lightning = Air

Ice = Water


There are four main courts that are represented by the elements that thrive there. These courts also represent the change of seasons in that general  area.

Earth (Spring)
Fire (Summer)
Air (Fall)
Water (Winter)

Each court is governed by a powerful Fler that has mastered a particular element, that Fler is called a Magi and lives at the source of where a strong source of their element thrives. They never travel too  far from their territory either as their duty is to protect the source  of elemental magic their territory makes up. They govern some of the  Flers in the area at times during ceremonies, as well as making sure threats stay far away from their home.


Flecks are the elemental stones that each Fler is born from. Given that  they are but little flecks of energy themselves, infused with that  elemental property. Sometimes these flecks can come from spells that  wizards have cast and left remnants of. Other times these flecks can be  born from the very territory their court thrives in.

Fire flecks are born from the embers that strike the land, Water flecks are born from the dewdrops that have been blessed by moonlight. Air flecks are born through the first breath of a newborn finding its way to the nearest organic source. And Earth are born from the seeds of a young sapling that begin to grow during the first spring.