



Accurate Photograph of The Mighty Eye

Sequoia is the place angels and The Mighty Eye dwell. 
It's located behind the moon.Mighty Eye made Sequoia for his creations, the angles. 
Mighty Eye has a strict system which he expects his angels to follow. 
This is the current structure The Eye found up.


The highest ranking group in the entire structure, they take direct orders from The Mighty Eye and as the name suggests they are the rulers of Sequoia. They are grim, strict but go about things calmly. 
This is the most common group, making up most of the population of Sequoia. Most of the time they are simply to refereed as Angels. The messengers are the only ones given permission to return back to earth.
Guardians are Guardians, they guard Sequoia from unwanted guests. They have the personality of a rock but when a group of them hang together it seems there's a bit more to them than just rock cold guardians.
Tthey are carpenters and cleaners and make sure everything is up to standards, without them the place would be a disaster.