
This folder features all the mascots of the species - Articularias that have been used to illustrate group pages or events.

You are allowed to use the mascots in art you do for group events, as long as they are credited.

You are also free to mention these mascots in the backstory of your own Articularias, to help flesh out your characters, as long as these do not imply a long-term interaction or relationship between your Articularia and the mascot. Things like "My Articularia is a fan of this Mascot", "My Articularia once met this Mascot briefly" or "My Articularia lived in the same planet as this Mascot" are fine as mentions, but things like "My Articularia and Mascot X are besties!" or "My Articularia dated Mascot Y some decades ago" are not allowed as mentions.

If you wish to try out a proper relationship with one of the mascots, contact its owner to check if they would be ok with that!