

Closed Species 

Welcome to our closed species world, we'd love to have you here.

Dreamiequills are owned and made by Yukie and Kimchii please do not make these species your own or do not heavily reference our species, we worked hard for it, thank you for understanding.  

Every Dreamiequill owner (Character/Ticket) must register membership here but if you don't own one don't be afraid to register! You're welcome here.


Their tail/s is made made out of glass that has magic liquid inside of it, all of the tails has a rim and a cork representing a potion bottle! Their ears and chest lock also have magic liquid inside them as this liquid also represents that they are doing their job properly! These liquids is representing how much time they have left before the child turns 13!

The more liquid there is in a Dreamiequill the younger they are! but having no liquid inside of them means they're still Babymiequills. Dreamiequills never loose that much liquids that it becomes empty, there's a certain point the liquid stops decreasing, once it stopped decreasing, it means there's atleast a year before their assigned child's 13th birthday