Clarephs's Bulletins

FTE Design + Front Page Feature Form

Posted 8 months, 10 days ago by Mirael

Hello!!! A mini update :]

You can enter for this FREE design by faving their profile (linked below)

>>>FTE Clareph<<<IMG_0466.png?ex=6514d1de&is=6513805e&hm=

Also, if you want a chance to have your Clareph featured on the front page, fill out this Google Form :] I'll pick a random number and draw whoever comes up :o

September Bulletin [2023]

Posted 9 months, 3 days ago by Mirael

WHO should be front page Clareph?

18 Votes Random (winner determined by a random roll of all entries)
9 Votes Superlative-based (Clareph that best fits the given prompt is the winner.. eg "spookiest" for October)


Hello everyone! Happy September :D

Thank you for sticking with the species during the break--I moved twice, started school, AND got a new kitten in the interim. Her name is Popcorn (this is very important :3)

Back to our regularly scheduled updates!


I updated the front page of the world! There's an image there now instead of a "coming soon" :3

Next month I want to put YOUR Clareph there! There's a poll down below for you guys to answer about that :)

I'll do the art for the front page so it'll be a free headshot/bust of your Clareph if you win :>


Everything on the ML and banking sheet should be updated--if there's any issues, feel free to PM me here or on Discord to get it resolved :0c


July Raffle Winner
<link to the spreadsheet>

Congratulations to KurooCrowe for winning the July raffle design!

Another chibi raffle design will be up on the Discord in a few days :>


No USD MYO sale this month!


Monthly Prompt #20

Draw your Clareph in one of their summer outfits! Maybe they're at the pool in a bathing suit, or maybe they're in a cute yellow sundress, or maybe... they're in a hoodie and jeans(?! aren't you hot???)

here or the Discord for 15 Star Stones!

July MYO Sale [CLOSED]

Posted 10 months, 10 days ago by Mirael



Regular: 3 - $10

Blessed: 2 - $15 

Divine: 1 - $20

Please comment on this bulletin to claim a slot! (i.e. "Claiming a Regular slot!")

You can claim a slot for a friend! (i.e "Claiming a Divine slot for helliots!")

Payment is via Paypal. Please either comment with your Paypal email address or privately message it to me so I can send you the invoice, and please try to pay within 24 hours.

Please be sure to have read the MYO info and rules on the main page of the world :0

Thank you so much for supporting Clarephs!!

July Bulletin [2023]

Posted 11 months, 4 days ago by Mirael


Hello everyone!! Art Fight is upon us, so there’s no monthly prompt this month!

Instead, by attacking your friend’s Clarephs you can earn MYO slots :]

July Fav-to-Enter Design




Held on the 25th.


Regular: 3

Blessed: 2

Divine: 1

No monthly prompt this month!

Regular gift art rates apply to any attacks made for Art Fight! Do three attacks to earn a Regular MYO slot :] link to to the attacks in the monthly prompt submission channel in the Discord (or here on-site) to claim your MYO!


if you made it this far, team vampire or werewolf? (comment for 5 star stones)

June MYO Sale [CLOSED]

Posted 11 months, 11 days ago by Mirael


All slots purchased this month will come with a free, second slot of the same rarity! Make your Clareph a friend :]


Regular: 10 - $10

Blessed: 5 - $15

Divine: 1 - $20

Please comment on this bulletin to claim a slot! (i.e. "Claiming a Regular slot!")

You can claim a slot for a friend! (i.e "Claiming a Divine slot for helliots!")

Payment is via Paypal. Please either comment with your Paypal email address or privately message it to me so I can send you the invoice, and please try to pay within 24 hours.

Please be sure to have read the MYO info and rules on the main page of the world :0

Thank you so much for supporting Clarephs!!

June Bulletin [2023]

Posted 1 year, 4 days ago by Mirael


Hello everyone! Happy Pride Month!!!

Any MYOs purchased this month will come with another free slot of the same rarity--whether purchased with Star Stones or USD! Make your Clareph a friend :> or maybe... a lover?

Stay tuned for the raffle design this month :> 



Held on the 25th.


Regular: 10

Blessed: 5

Divine: 2

Monthly Prompt #19

Draw or write about another user's Clareph!

Submit your piece here or in the Discord for 25 Star Stones!


if you made it this far, what's your preferred way of consuming caffeine? (tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc...? or do you drink it at all?) for 5 star stones :>


Posted 1 year, 11 days ago by Mirael



Regular: 5 - $10

Blessed: 1 - $15

Divine: 0 - $20

Please comment on this bulletin to claim a slot! (i.e. "Claiming a Regular slot!")

You can claim a slot for a friend! (i.e "Claiming a Divine slot for helliots!")

Payment is via Paypal. Please either comment with your Paypal email address or privately message it to me so I can send you the invoice, and please try to pay within 24 hours.

Please be sure to have read the MYO info and rules on the main page of the world :0

Thank you so much for supporting Clarephs!!

Invoices will be sent beginning tomorrow evening :0c

May Bulletin [2023]

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Mirael


Hello everyone!!! May the Fourth be with you all :>

May will be a relaxed month--I know that, like me, finals season is probably upon most of you guys! :0c 

Still, stay tuned for new designs and adopts this month :>

Congrats to MylonGold for winning the Nebulae raffle!!!

They'll be transferred over shortly :>

The next freebie design's aesthetics are up for a vote in our Discord!


Held on the 25th.


Regular: 5

Blessed: 3

Divine: 1

Monthly Prompt #18

Draw or write about your Clareph doing their favorite hobby!

Submit your piece here or in the Discord for 15 Star Stones and your choice of a mutation item!

if you made it to the end of this bulletin, comment your favorite color for 5 star stones :>

April MYO Sale [CLOSED]

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Mirael


help toyhouse won’t let me resize him..


Regular: 5 - $10

Blessed: 3 - $15

Divine: 0 - $20

Please comment on this bulletin to claim a slot! (i.e. "Claiming a Regular slot!")

You can claim a slot for a friend! (i.e "Claiming a Divine slot for helliots!")

Payment is via Paypal. Please either comment with your Paypal email address or privately message it to me so I can send you the invoice, and please try to pay within 24 hours.

Please be sure to have read the MYO info and rules on the main page of the world :0

Thank you so much for supporting Clarephs!!


Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Mirael





  Payment is via Paypal*!

 Rolls are $25, Rerolls are $10!

AB is $55!

 Comment below to claim a roll

There will be a 30 minute AB window before rolls start!

 You have 24 hours to pay after I reply to you

 No reroll limit

*SaikoDoodle's Spider Lily Sorceress is only available with dA points


[OPEN] Poppy of the West by Dokledee

[CLOSED] Curious Spider by Legendary_potatoes

[CLOSED] Merry Tiger Lass by frostybirdy

[OPEN] Spider Lily Sorceress by SaikoDoodles

[OPEN] Zap! by Onisuisei

[OPEN] Refreshing Sunflower by fearcure

[CLOSED] Classy Sunset Dropzilla Crossbreed by Myiabi

[OPEN] Wis-tear-ia by gravesyard

[CLOSED] Agua de Amor by Sovrauk

[CLOSED] Blue Lily Breeze by Onisuisei

[OPEN] Don't You Forget About Me! by sgtbutterben

[CLOSED] Dah-ling by sgtbutterben

[CLOSED] Wisteria Scholar by Dokledee

[CLOSED] Sweetheart Lilac by Mirael

[OPEN] Silent Fox by Alicedoes_Art

[CLOSED] Seaborne Saint by Orangesabor

[CLOSED] Masked Purity Eisangel Crossbreed by _elusive

[OPEN] Summer Influence by mtchars

[OPEN] Pocket Full of Pennies by gravesyard