Lumin System

Solar System

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Sanctus is the alpha planet of the Stamine system, keeping watch over the others through a theocratic society, doing what’s necessary to support their goddess who guides them.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



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Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



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Sanctus has a large class divide. Unintended consequences of their way of life has made a rigid social structure everyone feels. Families from sacred bloodlines and who have visible markings are held higher on the social ladder.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



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Despite starting with two gods, the majority of Sanctus is now monotheistic, worshipping Ivactus' and supporting her efforts. Her main duty was to guide those who followed her through dark times and bring hope to those who needed it most, using the many moons across her solar system to keep watch over her people.

Due to Ivactus' hand in founding the Demon Containment Agency, those who support her flock to the organization to serve.



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Magic on Sanctus has always been very controlled, this trend has only grown. Only priests and blessed descendants are expected to use magic in appropriate settings. Magical creatures have lost touch with their magical abilities after centuries of living on Sanctus.

For the lucky few who can perform magic, their abilities foster the well-being of their communities and ward off harmful entities.



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Sanctus' addition to technological advancement has been through providing resources.

The planet's technological advancements have stagnated on the despite more advanced technology being acessible. Citizens primarily using railroads, carriages, and telegraphy for everyday life. Much of their troops and resources are funneled off-planet to space stations, ships, and interplanetary bases, through one main organization, the DCA, that allocates it all.

Code by Aurorean
│A Sanctus Playlist
Riches and Wonders
Eliza Rickman and Jherek Bischoff




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