
From the skies above, the god blessed those in need with little helpers.

The helpers, destined to serve and give unwillingly were taken away from the god by greed.

The god cries for it's children are used for selfishness.

From what was once an united and pure nation of humans and creatures, became one sided and filled with evil.

Now, which path will you choose? And what will you uncover?

| Help desk

official opening day to be added

DD /MM /YY ║from 12pm CET; Make your own Illush THREE WEEKS deadline submission: regular myo

Hello! Welcome to the Magical Cove of Wonders. We hope you can enjoy your stay!

Please make sure to properly read the T. O. S. and if you have any questions please read our F. A. Q. or simply ask our moderation team listed below!

MYO sales will be open once the species is opened.

As for now, all announcements will go via the admin and the moderation team via bulletins in The TH world.

| Short info

Maker of the CS and layout is reirei_

For any other information please contact fritula or ryukavitky

Myos are currently distributed only via the owners.