Here are two adopts from this month's GA, Bishopspentrick! Check them out, they did an amazing job ^^

MYO Sale Announcement!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by SleepyDragonnn


We’ll be having an MYO sale tomorrow at 12 PM CST! There will be 3 C slots and 2 UC slots available for purchase, and 1-2 C slots up for offers of anything but USD! The sale bulletin will be updated and another bulletin will be made to announce it tomorrow!

Look forward to it, I hope the OTA slots will make them easier for others to get!

Thank you for reading!

MYO Sale interest check

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

Do you want an MYO sale this month?

1 Votes I'm only interested in buying a slot!
4 Votes I'm only interested in offering for a slot!
1 Votes I'd be interested in buying or offering for a slot!
2 Votes I'm not interested in getting a slot!

Sorry for the bulletin spam again! 

instead of posting a sale, I'll be taking an interest check here beforehand!

For this month and possibly following months, I'm thinking of having an OTA option! So some slots will be FCFS flat sales, and maybe a few will be open to non-usd offers instead ^^ I'm hoping it'll make slots more accessible!

Feel free to comment and/or vote in the poll! If I go through with the sale, it'll probably happen sometime around the 12th of March!

Thank you so much for reading!


Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

HI! finally got around to writing this bulletin for GA announcement and prompt lol.

First, the prompt!

Since Spring is rolling around, I was thinking having something to do with flowers! So!

Draw your Centiroll with a flower that represents or reminds you of them!

I've always loved stuff having to do with floral imagery, so I think it would be nice to see some Centis depicted with flowers ^^ I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with! Remember to submit your pieces either here or in the discord to earn Marrows for them!

Secondarily, the GA announcements!

This month, we're taking CrookedCruz on again as a permanent designer! We've also chosen bishopspentrick to be a GA! congrats to them, I'm super excited to see what you guys make!

Thank you so much for reading!! 


Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

HELLO CENTIROLL ENJOYERS!! hope u had a good february eee may or may not be copy pasting this from last month bc short on time rn. lol.

GA apps are now open again! You can apply here, if you already have an app with your most recent examples, feel free to reply to your own comment or ping me in one to bump it! Will maybe also be taking on a new mod this month if there r any apps for it!

also bumping this bulletin, that has a list of all currently open Centiroll adopts!

March's prompt should be up sometime this week! this month's raffle will hopefully come up around the middle of the March!

tysm ^^!


Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

i forgot to announce again help. 

Albiru and CrookedCruz will be our GAs for this month!! thank you so much for applying, and look forward to seeing their adopts this month!!

Open Centiroll Adopts!!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

Here's a list of all currently open Centiroll adopts!! Please check them out, our designers worked hard on them!

Halloween-Anniversary Batch by SleepyDragonnn, Albiru, Bishopspentrick, _lilmeowmeow_senpai, and CH0KO! (5/8)

Valentine's Mod Batch by SleepyDragonnn, Albiru, and Bunnyprotag! (1/3)

Centiroll/Eisengel CB by SleepyDragonnn and Albiru! (1/2)

Centiroll/Dreadnaut CB by SleepyDragonnn!

Centiroll/Abyssomata CB by Albiru!

UC Adopt by RachelAlucard!

GA Batch by UntramenTaro! (3/3)

GA Batch by Midnightfistfight and MCAverse_Database! (3/4)

Adopt Batch by Thehypergodofdeath! (2/3)

Rare Adopt by Plaguesexual!

Rare Adopt by First!

UC Adopt by CH0!

UC Adopt by Plaguesexual!

UC Adopt by MCAverse_Database!

Common Adopt by Albiru!

Common Adopt by OatmealHxrnets!


Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

HELLO!! GA apps are now open again! You can apply here, if you already have an app with your most recent examples, feel free to reply to your own comment or ping me in one to bump it! Will probably also be taking on a new mod this month!

February GAs will be able to make adopts until the end of the month, and last month's GAs will be allowed to make adopts until the 10th!


Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

Hello Centiroll Enjoyers!!

After neglecting the concept for some time, I finally bring you a prompt for February! I planned to release one in January for New Year’s but. I forgot lol.

Now’s your chance to start earning some marrows!Since Valentine’s Day is coming up this year, I thought it would be nice to host a gift-art themed prompt!

Draw your Centiroll celebrating Valentine’s Day! Do they have a partner, or are they single? Do they like to give gifts and exaggerated expressions of affection, or would they rather stay at home and pretend the day has no importance at all? 

Making a piece for the prompt will award you 5 marrows, and an additional amount depending on the type of piece (flat color, fullbody, background, etc.)! If you include someone else’s Centiroll (with permission of course!) in your piece, it’ll earn you an additional 5 marrows!

You can submit your finished pieces in #prompt-art in the Discord to earn marrows for it, or you can submit it via the Toyhouse forum here!

Thank you so much for your patience, GA and Mod applications will be open sometime soon!

Look forward to it, until next time!


Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by SleepyDragonnn

we have finally decided to have SpiritX and pannacotta as this month's guest artists! thank you all so much for applying and we hope you look forward to new adopts!