it's max! i'm stepping down <3

Posted 2 months, 26 days ago by artbymaxm

Hello hello! As the title says (and as i previously announced), I'm formally stepping down as Telepachu co-owner.

I'd like to introduce our new staff! Please support them~

Again, thank you so much for all the support!


Posted 5 months, 12 days ago by artbymaxm


Hello everyone! I've done a lot of thinking, and I (artbymaxm), have decided to step down in 2024, around March. 

I've done a lot of work for Telepachu that I'm very proud of, and I wish I could keep working on it. However, I've become a lot busier these past few months (and will continue to be busy in 2024 with personal stuff and other obligations), and I've been neglecting the community. I don't want to have to make excuses for being late with updates, and you guys deserve a more active admin/staff team in general. Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given me, especially with the species overhaul.

NPCs I designed will remain as Telepachu, and the traits list will still be in effect. I may participate in adopt sets/some events sometimes, but I will no longer be active as the co-owner. I will not be giving the species away to anyone. Kona and the rest of the staff will remain on board.

Once again, thank you so much for all the love you've given the species!


Regarding the above, we're looking for new staff to join! Please apply here. You will be messaged around January 1, 2024 if you get in. You will be given time to get used to your positions before I (artbymaxm) step down.


We will be having a holiday sale until January 31, 2024 12pm UTC!

We have 10 Corrupt CDs ($20 $15 each) and unlimited Evolved CDs ($10 $5 each) up for grabs! Head on over to the Ko-Fi shop if you want to grab one. These will be the last sales for a while until the staff lineup has been finalized!

That's all for now. Thank you, and see you next time!

» featured song!


Posted 10 months, 5 days ago by Telepachu_Database

01 » AF 2023 prompt closing!

With Art Fight coming to an end, the prompt will be closed soon as well! It'll be closed on August 3, 12pm UTC.

02 » MYO sales!

For this month, we have 10 Corrupt CDs ($20 each) and unlimited Evolved CDs ($10 each) up for grabs! Head on over to the Ko-Fi shop if you want to grab one.

02 » work in progress!

I'm still working on prompts and the shop(s)! I've been pretty busy lately, so hopefully the prompts and shops will be available by October.

That's all for now, see you next time!

» featured song!


Posted 11 months, 10 days ago by Telepachu_Database

01 » happy art fight!

It’s Art Fight time! To celebrate, we’ll be opening a special forum! 

First is the Links thread, where you can link your profile and Telepachi for other people to see. This will be open all year 'round! 

Of course, we’ll also be rewarding people who draw Telepachu for Art Fight! For every 2 AF entries containing Telepachi, you can receive 1 PPoint in your bank. Simply follow the instructions in the AF 2023 thread to get your points.

02 » CDs still available

There are 10 Corrupt CDs still available! Head on over to the Ko-Fi shop if you want to grab one. Evolved CDs are also available.

That's all for now, see you next time!

» featured song!


Posted 11 months, 29 days ago by Telepachu_Database

01 » myo sale!

Hello everyone, it's time for a Corrupt CD sale! There will be 10 slots available, for $20 each. This sale is FCFS.

Slots can be purchased from the Ko-Fi shop! Don't forget to take a screenshot of the confirmed order page, and fill up the form at CD Claiming to get your slot.


» featured song!


Posted 1 year, 13 days ago by Telepachu_Database

Made a separate Ko-Fi shop for MYO sales! Find it here. You can buy Evolved CDs at any time, and Corrupt CDs will be sold in limited amounts monthly.



Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by artbymaxm

01 » important update!

Hello everyone! So sorry for the inactivity, but it's because I've been planning something big!

From now on, Telepachu is a semi-open species! This means...

  1. Anyone can make a REGULAR Telepachu for free! You just need to submit them for approval. You can do this in the Discord server, messaging Telepachu_Database, or submitting to the Approval Studio!
  2. All REGULAR myo slots will be upgraded to EVOLVED for free! No need to have a mod edit it or anything, you can just link the original MYO slot when submitting an evolved design and we’ll do the rest.
  3. All slots from the free event are now giftable. 
  4. There will be no cooldown for gifting/trading/resale of slots and designs. (However other rules like tracking worth will still apply!)
  5. EVOLVED slots will always be available for purchase with USD or PachuPoints. CORRUPT slots will be sold every month (both USD and PachuPoints) with a limited amount per currency.
  6. I’ll be setting up some more ways to get PPoints (PachuPoints), like monthly prompts and also quick prompts.
  7. You’ll also be able to purchase special items that will let you add higher rarity traits or upgrade your slot with PPoints.
  8. I’ve adjusted everyone’s PPoints to make it more fair for new people joining in! To compensate, people with PPoints past a certain amount have been given CORRUPT slots!
  9. I’m working on shops and items to (finally) spend PPoints on. They should hopefully be available by the end of may! ^^

02 » conclusion

I hope this encourages more activity and more Telepachi to be created! I'd like to thank everyone for being so patient. Love you all!

Thank you so much for reading, and see you again soon!


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Telepachu_Database

01 » myo sale!

As promised, here's the MYO sale! The prices and stock are as follows:

REGULAR - $5, 10 slots
EVOLVED - $10, 5 slots
CORRUPT - $20, 2 slots

Slots can be purchased from Max's Ko-Fi shop! Don't forget to take a screenshot of the confirmed order page, and comment it here as proof of purchase (Censor any sensitive/private information). The slot will be made within 24 hours, and a mod will reply to you with the link!


» featured song!


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Telepachu_Database

01 » quick updates

Hello hello! It's been a pretty slow few months, as the mod team has all been busy with other things T_T Many thanks to everyone who still hangs around the server! The slowness may last for a month or so more, but don't worry, there should be some fun new things come May!

02 » myo sales

We'll be having MYO sales this month! The sales will open on March 25, 12pm UTC+8 (see what time that is for you here.) The prices and stock are as follows:

REGULAR - $5, 10 slots
EVOLVED - $10, 5 slots
CORRUPT - $20, 2 slots

We'll be posting a bulletin for the sales, so keep an eye out for that ^^

» featured song!

November Update!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by paayne

01 » Thank you!

It is the 1st of November and that means it is nearly the end of the year and I would like to start by saying thank you all so much for such a successful relaunch!! We couldn't have done it without the hard work of everyone! Here is to a long and prosperous future of Telepachu!
 We are also currently working on setting up the species shop so be on the lookout!

02 » November Events

We have a couple of small prompt events this month! This month's prompt theme is Autumn Trees!
There is a drawing event, writing event and a crossword that you can fill out to earn event points! It is hosted over on our Discord. Make sure to read everything carefully and have fun participating!

03 » Telepachu Gatcha Update

There are still a couple of adopts left from the Telepachu Halloween Gatchaevent that are now available for a $25USD flat sale!
If you are interested, please contact the artist!
See them below:


That's all for now!

» featured song!