02 ยป TOS

By joining the world or purchasing anything related to Telepachu (MYOs, designs, and the like), you hereby agree to the following terms. Blacklisting from this group (with or without appeal) is possible if any of the above rules are broken.


  1. Do not use copyrighted characters / designs as your designs. Inspiration is fine but tracing / outright copying of copyrighted imagery is NOT allowed and your design will be purged.
  2. Staff must be informed about MYO, designs, and shop items being resold, traded, or gifted.
  3. Every Telepachu owner should have a Toyhou.se account, including co-owners.
    • You are not allowed to co-own with someone outside of Toyhou.se.


  1. Information about resale / trade / gifting can be found on the MYO trackers.
  2. MYOs bought with irl currency can be resold / traded / gifted. MYOs bought from the PachuBank can only be sold for event points.
  3. MYOs received through trade can be traded / gifted.
  4. MYOs that were gifted to you or won in a raffle CANNOT be resold / traded, only gifted.
  5. You are allowed to commission / request another artist to design your MYO, and they will be credited in the masterlist. Designs commissioned with irl currency will count towards the Pachu's monetary value.
  6. Designs must be approved by the staff before they can be resold / traded / gifted, or used to participate in species prompts.
  7. For approval, please go to the Discord, Approval Studio, or send a message to Telepachu_Database using the form below.
Myo slot link :
Artist : @ username
Owner : @ username
Rarity : (Reg/Evo/Corrupt)
Link to design : (toyhouse)


  1. Redesigns must resemble at least 75% of the original design.
  2. Slight edits like hue shifting or alternate clothing / hairstyles do not need to be submitted as redesigns.
  3. Any changes to traits MUST be submitted as redesigns.
  4. You need an item for more extreme redesigns or for adding traits. (Coming soon!)
  5. Make sure you have approval from the original designer before redesigning. (This can be through their TOS or directly asking them.)
  6. Redesigns will be logged onto the masterlist, should a new owner (or you!) want to go back to an earlier design.
  7. For approval, please go to the Discord, Redesign Station, or send a message to Telepachu_Database using the form below.
Masterlist link :
Original designer : @ username
Redesign artist : @ username
Owner : @ username
Rarity : (Reg/Evo/Corrupt)
Proof of permission from original designer: (Can be screenshot/link to designer's TOS, or personal approval through message.)
New design : (link)
Items used (optional) : (coming soon!)


  1. Payment must be sent in under 24 hours, we do not allow holds on shop items or MYO slots.
    • This only applies to official purchases, not resales.
  2. You are allowed to resell Telepachi designs and MYOs for their how much you purchased them for + additional art you added. The monetary worth for a Telepachu or a MYO goes back to zero if traded/gifted.
    • For example: User A bought an adopt for $50. Some time later, they trade the Pachu to User B in exchange for a character. User B is not allowed to resell the Pachu unless they add art.
  3. We ask you to keep track of monetary transactions if you ever plan to resell.
  4. Do NOT resell to anyone blacklisted!
  5. Co-owning is limited to 2 people only, and any transactions regarding a co-owned character should be agreed upon by the co-owners.


  1. Please respect the artist's individual terms. Their TOS takes priority over the species' TOS.
    • Breaking an artist's TOS when purchasing a Telepachu design will warrant a strike, or immediate blacklisting in extreme cases.
  2. Deleting your bid or ghosting will earn you a strike.
    • You can back out in case of emergencies, but please inform both the artist and the person you outbid. You are still not allowed to delete bids even if backing out.


  1. Please contact an admin if you wish to void any Telepachu.
  2. If the Telepachu wasn't designed by you, please check the original designer's terms first, and obtain their permission if necessary.
  3. Voided Telepachi will remain on the masterlist for reference, but will be marked as voided.
  4. A new owner can reinstate a voided Pachu, but the owner who voided it cannot reinstate it.


  1. Users will be given warnings for minor offenses, and strikes for major offenses.
    • Minor offenses include, but are not limited to:
      • Inappropriate/disrespectful/disruptive behavior within the world and the server.
    • Major offenses are mainly any instances of breaking TOS, or any behavior deemed extreme by the mods and admins.
  2. Every 3 warnings will count as 1 strike.
  3. You are given up to 3 strikes (or a total of 9 warnings) before you are kicked from the species.
    • Depending on the offenses, you may be blacklisted as well.


  1. Blacklisted users are NOT allowed to own anything related to Telepachi, be it MYOs or designs.
    • Blacklisted users MAY own a voided Pachu design, however you are NOT allowed to void a design simply so you can transfer it to a blacklisted user. Doing this will earn you a strike.
  2. In certain cases, we may immediately blacklist people. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Producing or engaging with harmful content, including, but not limited to: racism, transphobia, incest, rape, etc. This extends to content outside of the species that is public or otherwise easily accessible.
    • Previous instances of breaking a staff's TOS (within reason).
    • Behavior deemed dangerous by the staff.

These terms are subject to change.