Terms of Service (TOS)

Terms of Service (TOS)

1. Don’t make sexual (fetish, kink, etc), hateful (racist, homophic, transphobic, etc.), or harmful (pedofilic , etc) art with ShadedPenumbra 's designs or with the goo-drops species.

2. Trading is allowed

3. Don’t use ShadedPenumbra 's adopts in LARGE commercial projects (Projects ment to make make like tens of thousands of dollars or more) unless you discuss it with ShadedPenumbra and you both come to an agreement

4. Don't to copy my designs purposefully

5. Please credit ShadedPenumbra as creator of the goo-drop species

6. You are more than welcome to transfer designs you purchased over to other species! ( Just continue credit the ShadedPenumbra as who made the original design)

Failure to follow these rules will result in ShadedPenumbra not selling to you anymore, warning other users about you, and ONLY in the cases that a BIG company is involved potential legal action.