II - Rules

FOUNDER plum_flavor


Little sweet companions, flying around your house and baking desserts !


♡ Candycreams are a closed species, which means the only way for you to own a design is either :

  • to adopt one from me.
  • to get a custom from me.
  • to adopt one from guest artists who have my permission.
  • to win one through special events (such as raffles).
  • to purchase a MYO (Make Your Own) ticket from me to make your own design (or commission someone to make it for you).

♡ Candycreams are meant for personal use only ; do not use them for profit/commercial means.

♡ Adoptable Candycreams can only be provided by staff or Guest Artists.

♡ You are the owner of the character, but not of the species ; please kindly remember to credit me as creator of the species.

♡ Please do not, in any way, use your Candycream to represent or endorse any discrimination, or use them in any hateful/harmful content.

♡ As of now, a Toyhouse account is required to own a Candycream, so that I may keep track of designs and MYO tickets.


♡ Rules regarding MYO tickets use can be found in the MYO Info section.


♡ Once you are the rightful owner of a CandyCream, you must contact me in order to be added to the Masterlist of Candycreams.

♡ Candycreams can be traded and gifted ; they can also be resold BUT you cannot sell them for a higher price than you purchased them for (unless there is added paid art, in which case you can add up their value).

♡ In such cases, either you or the new owner MUST contact me so that I can update the ownership onto the Masterlist.

♡ When acting out a transfer, please fill the following form and send it to plum_flavor.


Message Title: Candycream Ownership Transfer - (username) 

New owner :

Previous owner :

Transfer method : (gift/resell/trade)

Proof: (screenshot of ownership log)

Link to transferred character :


♡ Small design changes such as clothing and hairstyles are allowed without consultation.

♡ A design cannot be changed beyond recognition and you cannot change your Candycream's base dessert ; you'd have to purchase/use a new non-used MYO ticket.

♡ For any changes that involve modification of traits, be mindful to choose within traits of the correct rarity tier, and please fill out the following form so that I may approve of the new design.


Message Title: Candycream New Design Approval - (username) 

From : (MYO/adopt/custom/trade/resell/raffle/event)

If from MYO, slot number : (number of your slot, see the MYO slots tracker) 

Rarity: (common, uncommon, rare, legendary)

Candyscream : (yes/no)

Base dessert: (name of the dessert/sweet/drink/snack your Candycream is inspired of)

Essence: (self-acceptance, joy, belonging, hope...)

Artist: (if not your own art : any base(s) used, artist(s) commissioned, etc) 

New design: (link to the new design if any, if not, pictures attached below)