🌱 Creation Form


🍄 Form submissions are : OPEN 🍄


Requirements :

↠ *NOTE: requirements may change depending on events, so always follow what the event says if it contradicts this*

↠ Join the world

↠ If this is your first Gwyliwr, you do not need to pay folia to make a common one

↠ If this isn't your first one, you need to pay 3 folia to make another common one

↠ Common traits cost 0 folia

↠ Uncommon traits cost 4 folia each

↠ Rare traits cost 5 folia each

↠ Please make sure to follow the rules ^^


Form :

user (no @) || environment || skull type || 2nd horn type || ears || accessories || # of rares or uncommons, if any
