


3 years, 3 months ago


Jenny was once together with Slayer. However, their relationship was not a healthy one. Jenny was very controlling of Slayer, often playing on his insecurities by making him think his coolness is only through association with her, and did not allow Slayer to have much of a life outside of her, even intimidating any one who Slayer might potentially befriend.

Thankfully for Slayer, a Dalmatian called Lita saw what was going on and helped Slayer realize he was not in a healthy relationship. She then supported Slayer enough for him to work up the courage and break up with Jenny. Since then, Lita has made it on to Jenny's hit list, with Jenny herself joining the Heartbreakers in order to get Slayer back.

Jenny is VERY Possessive of what she claims to be hers, and shall most often violently lash out at any one whom she considers is trying to take away what she claims as hers.

Jenny's fixation on Slayer is to an obsessive degree, and at points has Jenny in her own alternative world. If any one were to ask, Jenny would say that she and Slayer are still together, since she did not say otherwise, when Slayer broke it off. This obsession to get to Slayer, however, does mean that Jenny does not have much of a social life outside of him, and the Heartbreakers.

Jenny herself has a hair trigger temper and is VERY quick to anger, often exploding violently at the smallest of slights. The only thing that is capable of calming her down is listening to 1980's Rock Music, which she & Slayer use to listen to.

While Jenny is physically strong, she is easily blinded by her rage, which makes her uncoordinated in a fight. Because of this, Malinda recommended Jenny use a punching bag to vent aggression in her downtime, and as a means to teach her focus when engaged in melee combat. In part due to the time spent with Malinda, trying to learn focus, Jenny now considers Malinda as her best friend, which in turn got Kendra put on Jenny's hit list.

Jenny seeks, with assistance from the Heartbreakers, to be able to get vengeance on Kendra & Lita, and get back Slayer whose body she claims is for her alone. Whether Jenny shall be content at just that, or if she'll want even more afterwards, is questionable.

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