


3 years, 3 months ago


Alien Cat Royalty - She/her - Adult - Part of a bigger story with friends (MCRP)

Samara is the promising daughter of high class wealth and royalty. She in no way has earned a single dollar in her diamond-encrusted purse. 

This cat was aboard the Tetra Crimson with her family and soon-to-be-husband. Her family shares bonds in the ships riches so why not get married aboard the Tetra Crimson and really seal the deal. All Samara really knows is that boys have money, money buys her new go-go boots, and that if she ever tries to act like an intellectual she might have to stop living in the lap of luxury. She gets whatever she wants as long as she acts a certain way. Being a boy-crazy bimbo was a wonderful way of life.. now she has to face the fact that her family and fiancé have been horribly killed in an accident.. well that and the fact that she doesn't feel anything at all for them. Life is a conundrum, now that she's on her own with no one to call upon- she can finally try to see what life's all about.  

Relationships: Who doesn't wanna help her?