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20 Apr 2022, 12:55:03 pm



I am so curious about this art and would love to hear its context if that was something that you felt okay with sharing ;u; this feels like a moment filled with drama and purpose and I love the way this is drawn, it looks like perhaps a temple or memorial? the subtle reflections on the polished floor is such a lovely touch

Yes!! Back @ Riree’s home this is a mural inside of a temple, which depicts the ‘founder’ of the island that Riree and their people live on. There was never a name given for the founder beyond the nickname of “the star”, which is also a title featured in a prophecy that was given to Riree when they were younger. (From what I’ve discovered out-of-character, this ‘Star’ is actually a fallen God, and is somehow Riree’s absent parent. There’s a lot I’ve yet to discover but knowing that Riree is just an echo of whoever this Deity is was the main inspiration for this haha 💙)

that is SO heckin cool dude! ^o^ love that! eating this up with a spoon thank u sm for sharing 💖 I love how much mystery and intrigue they have going on in their past.