♔ Nathan



7 years, 8 days ago


❧ Nathan ❧

Arrogant ☆ Controlling ☆ Kind ☆ Strong sense of justice ☆ Egosentical ☆ Playful

"If it's one thing I don't like, it's people with too much undeserved power."

Name || Nathan 
Gender || Male
Age || 25 
Height || 193 cm
Species || Demon (nature powers) 
Nationality || German (Born in Norway) 
Orientation || Bi 
Occupation || Bar and brothel owner 
Appearance ||

>Neutral skin color

>Dark brown hair

>Green eyes

>Separate full demon form


❧ Backstory and species info

Nathan and Ayahl are the children of a german slave woman who was kidnapped to Norway by vikings, and the devil himself, Belial. Their mother, Laurlene, was forcefully married to a man, but was unable to have any children. This made her extremely unhappy. So she tried several methods to make herself more fertile. Nothing worked. Her last solution was to try dark magic, something she didn't really want to have to do. So she formed her circle and said the words, but nothing happened. Another failed try. She went home, unable to come up with any more methods to have children. All her attempts had failed. It was not ment to be, and it really broke her heart. Later that night, someone knocked on her door. When she opened the door, no other than the devil himself stood in front of her. He had heard her pleads and offered her what she wanted. They did the deed and she soon got pregnant with her first child. She gave birth to a son and named him Nathan. The devil came now and then to visit his child. During these visits, Belial tried to keep his distance, but ended up falling for the pure hearted woman. She had fallen for him too, and together, they made their second child. This time she gave birth to a girl and named her Ayahl.

As the siblings grew up, they started to show symptoms of their powers. Nathan grew plants, and Ayahl burned them down. Laurlene had to work hard to help Ayahl control her powes, and especially help them keep it hidden. She gave them a very good childhood full of love and little trouble. Their father often visited them, too. But was more absent. He had his kingdom in hell to tend to, so there was little time for fun and games.

The two grew up to be two good looking demons with decent control over their powers. But their mother was not an immortal demon, and her time came. After her death, the two started traveling the world. But in france, Nathan met a beautiful girl named Jeanette. Together they had a kid named Laura. But Nathan's demon form brought him problems as someone in the town discovered what he was. Frightened of what he could do to them, they captured his wife and daughter. Nathan failed to save them, and they were burned alive at stakes, deemed witches. A whole city was wiped off the map that night.

It took nathan years to get over his loss. Ayahl dedicated her time to help him get through it. They killed, raped and did whatever they pleased to get their frustrations out. Nathan really hated humans for a while because of the traumatizing event. When the europeans settled in america, they decided to try staying there for a while and bought a bar and a brothel they named Mitternacht.

A demon in this universe is a strong, fast and (utholdende) creature. They have a human form, but also a demon form. Their demon form consist of claws, sharp teeth and feathers. Nathan and Ayahl are the only two known pure demons. Nathan posesses the power over earth and Ayahl can control fire.



❧ Personality

Nathan was a kind and (nysgjerrig) person, but the incident that killed his wife and child left him cold and closed. He only opens himself up to his sister because humans can never be trusted again. He feels way above humans, which might leave off an impression of arrogance. He likes control and will always turn the situation to his advantage. Either with wit or with the help of his powers. But deep down, he's still a kind person and only killed innocents when grieving the death of his loved ones. He feels regret, (samvittighet) and emphaty just like humans do. After his rampage, he got a stonger sense of justice. But he will always be egocentrical. He's learned that in the world of humans, demons need to take care of themselves.


★ Cigarettes
★ Traveling
★ Sex
★ Music
★ Nature
★ His mother
★ Booze

☆ Fire
☆ Bad humans
☆ Whining



❧ Current Story

A group of native americans have attacked one of the buildings in Nathan's town. He helps the town track down their tribe and attack them. In the chaos of the attack a white haired native catches his eye and interest. He kidnaps her to his bar and informs her that she is his property now. But she is a wild one and will not be easily tamed. She takes every moment to work against him. But one night she blames him for the fate of her tribe, but quickly hears from him that this was a fate the tribe brought upon themselves. Nathan gets so upset and done with her hostile [instilling] that he actually strangles her. It just snaps for him. After giving her a real scare for her life, he starts to hallucinate about her being his deceased wife. She escapes him but is held in the bar by Nathan's sister. Stjerne calms her down, while Ayahl tries to help Nathan with his panic attack.

After the incident, Måne seems knows her place better than before. But after some weeks she starts feeling sick. He keeps her inside, and the air is thick from the people smoking in the bar. As a girl that is used to run the plains, climb trees, hunt and swim, this is a very sudden change for her and her body is reacting badly. As a solution, Nathan takes her for a ride to a forest. They have a nice picnic with fruits and berries Nathan grew himself with his powers. (In secresy of course.) But they hear someone lurk in the bushes, and discovers that Måne's sister, Ravn is alive and well. Måne is very happy to see her. After thinking for a while, and being way too much reminded of his late wife and daughter, Nathan decides that Måne can go back with her sister. Some feelings have actually evolved between the two of them in the time they have spent together, but none of them want to aknowledge them. Måne gives Nathan a thankful kiss before she leaves him.

That night, Nathan sees his late wife Jeanette in his dreams. She warns him about what is about to happen to Måne. He wakes up and feels with his whole body that he has to do something. He takes his demon form and finds his way to Måne's location. Måne got into a fight with the leader and is about to loose because unfair involvement from another member of the tribe when Nathan swoops in from the sky in a scary demon-like form. He snaps the necks of the leader and the other tribe member and takes a very hurt Måne and a scared Ravn back with him.

At the bar, he heals up Måne and gets to know Ravn better. Ravn starts calling him an angel because of his wings and good intentions. She still reminds him very much of his own daugther. Måne doesn't want Ravn to grow up in an european bar, so she takes her with her to another tribe she knows. But after a week or so, she just shows up at the bar again and asks for work. He's positively surprise to see her again. Their affection grows, but not without conflicts.



❧ Relationships

Måne [ his property ]

A wild little indian girl who seems to love fighting. He wanted a simple plaything, but ended up with quite the project. She definatly has a mind of her own. He likes her guts and slowly falls in love with her over time. He thinks she needs to learn that you need to be dependent on others sometimes though. She's on her way to becoming a person Nathan actually trusts and opens up to. He really likes her.

Ayahl [ sister ]
Nathan loves his sister. It's the only person beside their mother that he sees as an absolute equal. He respects her and is really thankful for all the times she's been there for him. They enjoy each others company and seldom fight because of their deep understanding of each other. Of course there were many a quarrel in their childhood. Ayahl posesses the element that can hurt Nathan the most, but would never use it against him. Thankfully, she can also use her powers to protect him from fire.

Laurlene and Belial [ parents ]
His mother ment a lot to him and formed him as a person. A demon without the love and attention him and his siter got, would surely mean chaos. Their sense of right and wrong and emphaty came from her. They stayed by her side to her last breath. She is very much missed. Their father is antoher story. He visited them through their childhood, but got more and more absent as they grew up. Their mother didn't seem to mind very much and said he was a busy man. But it left them being not very fond of him. They surely don't feel the love for him that they do for their mother.


≈ ≈ ≈


❧ Alternative Universes

High School

The High School AU takes place in a modern world. The characters have a role within a High School, be it teachers, staff or students. Nathan is in his third and final year.

He's the son of a very wealthy man who has half the city in his pocket. One day he's at a party and finds another angry party goer very interesting. It's a white haired girl who seems to want to fight a guy who spilled his drink on her. He drags her into a bathrom and offers to help her get her dirty clothes off. But she does not seem happy about his way of helping. He only wanted a little kiss in return too. Before he manages to react, her head is in his face and slams his nose. With this advantage she easily escapes him.

Later, he sees her at his school and tries to get the hold of her, but she avoids him. Finally, he catches her on her way home one day and confronts her with his almost broken nose. She does apologize but doesn't even seem to mean it. As they are talking, police officers approach them and starts asking her questions. She seems a little scared an nervous of them, so he decides to use his power to help her. He grabs her by the shoulder and tells the officers that she's his girlfriend. They back off once they see who he is. She seems surprised on how the situation turned out and thanks him with a kiss on the cheek before walking away fast paced. He doesn't chase after her this time, but is left with a satisfied smile.

One of his hobbies is to use his fathers power over the police to his advantage. He often tags along with the police on missions. Some days after the incident with the white haired girl, he tags along on one. They're gonna attack a house filled with illegals. He never get a weapon or follow them into the buildings, he always has to watch from a safe distance and only helps report people escaping. So he does. 5 minutes pass by before he hears the sound of bullets. Two people try to escape through a window and down the fire exit. He was going to report it, but suddenly recognizes one of the people. It's the white haired girl from school. They try to run away from the scene, but he follows them. When they pause in a sidegate, he approaches them and finds them pretty traumatized by the happenings. He offers to hide them at his place. In the rush of the situation, they accept. He makes Måne sleep in his own bedroom, and throws the one she was with (Stjerne) to his sister to play with. He uses her need for a place to hide as an excuse to toy with her.

Zombie Apocalypse

This AU takes place in WW1, but we will probably mix in some things that don't fully belong there. It is fantasy after all. Here, all the characters are either military soliders or nurses (With two exeptions). Nathan is a solider under the command of Ella and Blackheart.

He gets assigned to babysit Måne after her showing rebellious tendencies. He doesn't care for her much at first and only sees it as an order. But he likes what he sees and has been without a woman for too long. She declines his attempts at first, but likes him better as they get to know each other.




❧ Drawing tips

- Normally wears an unimpressed expression or one that invites you to his bed

- Smokes

- Either looks proper or looks like he just came out of bed with someone

- Wears cowboy stuff. A shirt and some cowboy pants in other words.

- Can be found in the bar, at the brothel, in nature or out on the prairie.

This template was created by Wicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission