


3 years, 1 month ago


RczFjkq.pngG94P0zG.pngRczFjkq.pngG94P0zG.pngRczFjkq.png G94P0zG.pngRczFjkq.pngG94P0zG.png RczFjkq.png

> Introduction <

● Ace ● He/Him ● 20 y/o ● Worm Monster

> Appearance <

Ace is a creature with the appearance of a worm, he has needle-like sharp teeth and round eyes that are close together resembling a "Worm on string". He is usually seen wearing comfortable baggy clothing such as a sweater and black boxers or suits for formal ware, he does not wear shoes often. Ace has a long worm-like body that tapers off into a long tail, he also has four claws on his hands and three claws on his feet. Ace's fur sweeps back from his head leaving a sort of "spikey" appearance. He often has drooping eyelids because he is exhausted.

> Information <

He is often very tired and quiet around new people, he does not talk a lot although will come up with really good jokes out of nowhere. Ace has anxiety and depression but thrives every day, improving upon himself and trying healthier coping mechanisms. When it comes to people he is already familiar with he has no trouble interacting with them and enjoys company in person over online. He has trouble remembering things and can be very elusive when it comes to an online presence and he hates any sort of conflict, it is easy to recognize his "low-energy".Yet, often he will end up putting himself into problematic situations frequently, either with opinions or general miscommunication, fortunately he thinks about this often and improves his morale. Not so fortunately, people often separate themselves from him before those points are reached. He has low confidence on appearance and sets unrealistic goals for these standards. It can be hard to self heal when you're a worm. This character is meant to represent the artist in it's entirety, imperfections and all.

> Design Notes <

- Round eyes are not optional - Four claws on hands, three on feet

- Cannot be drawn with hair (but fur can be styled) - Sweater and clothes can change
