


9 years, 6 days ago



Rey (Reiji) | Raijuu (male) | Works at a butler cafe

  • Diligent worker, but usually gives off this cold/intimidating vibe which for some reason some customers actually like (e.g. me //rUNS)
  • Apparently some people thinks he looks a bit like a popular idol so some people go to that cafe just to see him
  • Sometimes he loses guard and his ears pop out, but it’s alright because it’s a butler cafe and some people even find it cute lmaooo
  • Man of a few words, doesn’t like talking much unless he needs to (even if you get close to him)
  • Instead he conveys his feelings/messages via actions instead – e.g. if he thinks the weather is getting cold and he wants you to keep warm, he’ll make you hot chocolate hahaa
  • He rarely gets mad but if you do happen to make him mad, you’re in deeeeeppp trouble. He has pretty good athletic ability so owo`
  • the collar thing is to suppress his thunder related abilities
  • Is really close to Perseus and have been friends for quite a while;; he likes to drop by and see how he’s doing and sometimes he stays over for the night (and probably has a very low alcohol tolerance too lololol)
  • No shut up wearing your jacket on your waist is still totally 21st century
  • Notable features: Highlights, snake bites, 2 piercings on his left ear
  • also im very bad with mimis but he’s actually a wolf im so sorry >->o

Initial appearance: Apparition Residence