


3 years, 3 days ago





Haze; Purple Haze; Chameleon
trans masc nonbinary — they/he (pan)
August 21st [early 30's]; 6'2"
S.E. Asian [Thai] / Latino [Cuban]
All along the West Coast, U.S.A.
Jackson's chameleon
Let me clear it up for you, bestie. If I want something, I take it. If I don’t want something? Then I don’t take it. Hope this helps.


ditzy . catty . insincere . confident . mercurial . evasive

A Georgia-born ex-prom queen turned morally ambiguous spy-for-hire, Hazel never really outgrew their high school bully phase, nor do they plan to anytime soon. Mean, flirtatious, and infectiously charismatic, they can snatch whatever information or precious treasures you’d like, for a price and some patience. This self-proclaimed bimbo bought bootleg super serum off the back of some unmarked truck, and now they have the power to turn invisible! Sometimes. And sometimes only partially. Ok, he’ll admit his powers have turned off more times than the invisibility has actually been useful, but hey! It’s a neat party trick. ;)

Commitment and consistency are absolutely no-no’s in this Superspy Barbie’s world. They move frequently, discontent with staying in one place for too long, but no matter where they go it’s not like they’re going to outrun their festering identity issues. Hazel loves to hide behind masks, to snatch personality traits from the people he meets and claim them for himself, to be shrouded in fictitious backstories he can change on the fly. It’s fun, it’s easy, and, as far as they care, there are no alternatives. Under no circumstances is Hazel keen to peek behind the curtain and check if he has a real, true “self” backstage.

After all… what if there’s nothing back there anymore?

✔ Likes: anything purple, working out, fucking with people, texting, Instagram, giving advice nobody asked for, being nosy, fancy parties, fancy coffee, fancy clothes and makeup, hoop earrings, shrimp

✖ Dislikes: nerds, playing by the rules, over-complicating a simple concept (unless it's coffee orders,) "good honest work," sparkling water, sweet tea, sci-fi stories, self reflection


  • Was on the cheer team in high school, and damned good at it.
  • Worked at a Baskin-Robbins, a Starbucks, and a cocktail bar before taking up espionage.
  • Their natural hair color is black.
  • The gloves of their spy suit have special pads on the fingers that allow them to scale walls.
  • Has a Southern accent that only creeps out when they're a little tipsy.
  • Replaced their eyes with experimental cybernetic replacements around the time they got their powers; the end result is orange robot eyes that help them with their spy work, but also have a tendency to look very unsettling in some lightings.
  • Keeps trying to be an Instagram influencer but can't commit to it.
  • Didn't actually win prom queen. Had a massive meltdown on prom night instead, and now lies about being prom queen instead. <3 Fake it 'till you make it!



  • Hal JenningsBrother. At odds for most of their childhood, estranged for a chunk of their adulthood, and only recently back in each other’s lives, things are still Incredibly rocky between the Herrera siblings. Hazel was the favored sibling, and it shows in how they act. They think Hal is a major square for the most part, but some of that strange science he’s playing around with? Now, that’s caught their interest….

created: august 2020