


6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Hanako (花子)

name meaning:

Hanako: flower child

species, ethnicity:

Human; Japanese



character tropes:

Brainy Brunette. Kuudere. Weirdness Magnet. Knight in Sour Armor. Agent Scully → Skeptic No Longer



Hanako (はなこ, Hanako

★ Reliable . Sensible . Cynical

Dream VA: Cristina Vee or Laura Bailey

AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5'0"
GENDER: Demigirl-Nonbinary (she/her, they/them)
LIKES: British Invasion bands, colorful clothes, jogging, sashimi, blonde & sweet coffee, light novels.
DISLIKES: Being interrupted, slackers, conspiracy theories, "found footage" documentaries, bread.  

When Hanako was in middle school, she was fascinated with anything strange: cryptids, aliens, youkai, the occult, astrology, conspiracy theories, and alternate universes. She'd constantly eat this stuff up, but her classmates (and some teachers) thought she needed serious help. 

She still enjoys sci-fi and fantasy novels, but they're exactly that—just stories. She's more or less outgrown her childhood interests, and now believes there has to be real explanations for all the pseudoscience she once obsessed over. She can't stand "documentaries" on aliens or cryptozoology, and she thinks people who sincerely buy into conspiracy theories are nuts. However, she's not an aggressive, obnoxious "skeptic" and is actually rather polite, almost to the point of coming off as dull and emotionless. She's good at making acquaintances, not so much at keeping friends. Hanako does pack a sarcastic edge, but it only rears its ugly head when she's aggravated.

Hanako lives alone, a couple hours away from her parents, and works several part time jobs. She'd like to get back into higher education, but it's not something she's able to do at the moment. . . which is only further compounded by the situation she eventually finds herself in. However, she did graduate high school and was a decent student. She didn't have a favorite subject, but was especially proficient in math and was a member of her school's volleyball team. Her native language is (of course) Japanese, and she knows conversational English and German.

She first meets Kazuo, a tengu, while on a jog in the park near her apartment. After the intial shock of coming face-to-face with a birdlike humanoid spirit wears off, she takes Kazuo in and helps him recover from his wing injury. One thing leads to another, and she soon has to deal with a whole gaggle of honest-to-goodness monsters bunking in her tiny apartment.

Hanako's hobbies include reading, collecting records, and exercising. Some of her favorite musicians are The Who, The Byrds, Puffy, Jimi Hendrix, The Lads, and The Jam. She's fond of "vintage" clothing. Her wardrobe is mostly tie-dye and paisley-patterned clothes, and she also loves trying out different hairstyles. She finds it an easy, safe way to stand out without making a fool of herself. Hanako's reserved, somewhat uptight demeanor contrasts quite sharply with how she dresses.

Her name would be written in kanji as 花子.