Captain Potato



6 years, 11 months ago


cheerful feline. Innkeeper. 

Captain Potato used to be a decent, honorable chef until he somehow ended up in charge of this ridiculous place. He's certainly not cut out to be an innkeeper, and in the years that he's been in charge of it it's been going downhill.

However, the Captain isn't one to give up easily. He's way too stubborn for his own good. Many have tried to convince him that it's all a waste of time, but he always retorts that everything has its ups and downs and one day he'll get the place back to its usual lively self. He'd really do anything to get it running again. Including (unfortunately) illegal things. He'd be willing to make deals with ghosts to get his inn back up. That is, if he knew any ghosts.

Among the things he's tried to try to get people to stay at his inn, he's 

  • invented strange things
  • offered people potatoes if they stay
  • done ridiculous shows
  • made so many bad puns (he thought his show was pretty a-peel-ing... meh. If they don't like it, it's no potatoskin off his back.)
  • drawn many super neat signs (but it looked like a 5 year old made it. He tries.)
  • Grinned like a maniac (that probably just scared everyone off)
  • on last resort he just cries a lot until people stay just to stop him from being so sad
He happens to be a really excellent potato chef. Really. He knows precisely 674 uses for a potato, and would love to tell you all of them. In one sitting. Either way, his potato dishes are amazing, so people come for the food... but they never seem to stay overnight. He still doesn't realize that the food is why they keep coming back.

Overall he's just a cool dude who everyone in the town loves, despite his oddities.