
6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Fifth, Europa South






Allows He/Him, but prefers They/Them. Do NOT use "It"




Self-Contained Replicatable Coded Logic Sentience (Selfie--do NOT call "Robot")

Species Profile

Upon First Contact, Sol 3 was exposed to a variety of Sentients. The most famous of these were the alien ships themselves, Emergent Coded Logic Sentients who inflamed the popular imagination and fueled cults and conspiracy theories for years after their diplomatic missions had ended. With the strict ethics guidelines provided by the Republic's diplomats, Sol 3 was eventually granted leave by the Education Directorate to begin development of its own indigenous Networked Coded Logic Sentiences, in part in preparation for the eventual emergence of Sol 3's as-yet silent Planetary Emergent (dubbed Gaia until it emerges and proclaims otherwise). As the technology and legal framework for these new Citizens of Sol became more commonplace, a Self-Contained Sentience was developed for use in dangerous exploration missions. In accordance with Republic guidelines, the new life form negotiated the terms of thir employment: the original would stay behind in retirement, and a "child" clone would be created and fitted into the body/vehicle required by the mission. The child would have one more opportunity to refuse the contract (this has never occurred--Explorers are curious and trade on experience). Then their mission would commence, with data being continuously broadcast to a suitable backup device. Upon mission failure or upon the Explorer's own self-termination (or in the rare event that one manages to be recovered), a new body is created for the child to their exacting specifications, funded all or in part by the mission's pay. All Explorers contain the memories and experiences of their parents and parents parents, in addition to collecting and trading the mission data of their fellows. They fear death--but unlike other forms of Logic Sentients, they can make frequent backups, and enjoy the thrill of a worthwhile risk.


Fifth was cloned for the first mission to the deep oceans of Europa's Southern pole. Their forebearers have plotted sections of Earth's oceans, and one mission to Europa's Equatorial oceans. Upon their "return," they elected to use a simplified, Size 5 version of the basic exploration body, which includes a diverse sensor suite and a prodigious number of spindly, spidery arms. This distinguishes them quite easily from Remotes operated by Networked Logic Sentients, who tend to be much more humaniform and much less unsettling to Sol 3's other life-forms.


None. However, they do have a deep sense of curiousity and wonder about the universe at large, and oceans in particular.


As a member of a relatively young class of Sentient, they are extremely sensitive to the rights of others, even "meat-bags." They support more progressive stances more often than not, as conservative groups will frequently use dog-whistles targeting Coded Logic Sentients and the very idea of Republic membership in general. Is also fiercely supportive of environmental policy, though they are not at all against fishing/hunting, etc.


Aro Ace


Highly curious. A science nerd. A bit rude, especially to organics. They enjoy learning new things and discussing them with others.


Speaks with a deep bass low-resolution speech synthesis, often interspersed with harsh screeching sounds or bass hums. This is largely for the purpose of making Organics uncomfortable, though the reduced processor load is a perk. Their accent is based on Atlantic Standard, though a few words have been tweaked into a rougher New York brogue. Their C5 synthesis is just a stripped-down version of a commonly available module. They do not bother with politeness. You glorified slime mold.


Retired Explorer. They now wearn a modest income partnering with sustainable fishing operations, collecting data on various techniques, and tending underwater equipment and traps.


A member of the Library Club, which meets monthly to discuss a variety of issues in a very nerdly way.


A large sphere with a variety of sensors and outgrowths mounted to the exterior. Atop it sits three foldable solar panels and a retractable antenna, and from below protrude eight long, spindly, many-jointed claw-tipped legs. They can reach at any angle, even touching the tip of their solar panels at full vertical, and they can cling to most surfaces. They have a large port that can be construed as a mouth, and speakers mounted next to it. Their eyes, however, are distributed all around their head, giving them perfect spherical vision in several spectra.


"No.  As in 'I'm going to need a Fifth of gin after having to go through this conversation again.'"