


2 years, 11 months ago


When Leaf first sprouted from her mother she was extremely shy and scared of everything around her. One stormy night she crawled under an ivy leaf and that became her comfort throughout all the different scaries in this big world. As time went by she grew to realise that not everything is so scary after all and a lot of things turn out a lot better than you had first realised and when you start to put your fears away the world can be beautiful and fun! Though she has definitely outgrown her ivy leaf she still refuses to go anywhere without it because sometimes she still needs that comfort.

Leaf once watched a shooting star fall and heard a loud crash. She decided to go over and investigate and down in a hole was Orbit, he looked very dazed and confused and for awhile orbit and Leaf just kinda stared at each other until she decided to reach in and help pull him out so now wherever Leaf goes Orbit goes and wherever Orbit goes Leaf goes.

Until Orbit she liked to wander around on her own now she can't imagine him not being there to annoy her