


6 years, 8 months ago




【Name】 Sooyeon Jung
【Age】 21
【Gender】 Female
【Voice】 xxx
【Status】 Alive

【Alias】 Jung
【Sign】 Scorpio
【Orientation】 Lesbian
【Ethnicity】 Korean/Mexican
【Theme】 "Dirty Love" - Ke$ha ft Iggy Pop


Keep your leopard limousine.

I just want your, love.

I just want your fucking filthy love!

A disgusting, rude, sadistic and gross coyote girl. If one can imagine human garbage, Jung is ten times worse.

"But wild child can do it better!"


Jung is sadistic, cruel, hot-headed and manic. It'd be easy to assume that she doesn't care for anybody but herself. The only thing she really cares about besides herself is her girlfriend, Prudence, an equally disgusting possum. Jung loves taking advantage of people and messing things up for the sake of causing people heartache. She shows almost no remorse, even when faced with people begging and pleading for their lives. She doesn't need a reason to kill, only doing it for her entertainment- in fact, hearing people plead for their lives only drives her adrenaline higher. She thinks it's 'boring' to kill without a fight. An extremely skilled marksman due to years of use of firearms, she can hit nearly anything if given the chance. Jung is slightly bipolar and will have manic fits of anger and rage, stopping only when what she wants is given to her or when Prudence calms her down. She's easily depressed and will cover it up with a huge grin full of sharp teeth. When she is having a particularly bad day, she will scratch at a scar on her throat, making it worse. If ever confronted about it, she will yell and berate the questioner.

  • Prudence Possum
  • Dark alleyways
  • Guns
  • Taking advantage of people
  • Goody two-shoes
  • Cops
  • Being controlled
  • Shoes with laces
  • Slicing at her neck with her claws or ax
  • Falling asleep when listening to people talk
  • Sometimes not sleeping for days
  • Tapping her claws


Skill One

Jung is extremely skilled at marksmanship with a gun. She can use anything from a rifle to a pistol. Her aim is deadly. Since the age of 13 when she stole her fathers gun and fled home, she's practiced her aim daily, whether it be on her victims or on bottles lined up in an alleyway. It's rare someone else can get the first shot in- she is lightening fast and always has her pink pistol on her.

Skill Two

She is an extremely skilled shoplifter. She normally sticks to lifting things such as makeup and snacks.... she's just too lazy to bring herself to take any more. She was forced to develop this skill as a child- the lack of food in her house meant the only way to eat was to steal. She has a map of where the security cameras can and cannot see and the best routes to avoid them specifically for her favourite mall.

Skill Three

Jung is proficient in hand to hand combat, although she hates doing the dirty work. She prefers to use a gun, but if need be, she can scrap it out. This comes from raw animalistic instinct- and plenty of practice rounds with other degenerates. She's great at blocking as well as combo attacks- she has no problem knocking you in the head and quickly drawing her gun in a flash to finish you off. It's difficult to land a hit on her- chances are, if you do, it's because she let you.



Sooyeon Jung was never very privileged. The only thing that made her turn out "bad" was her upbringing. Raised in an abusive home with a leader of the Mexican Drug Cartel for a father and a prostitute for a mother, Jung was often ignored or malnourished as a child. More often than not, her stomach was growling. On the rare occasions that her father was home, he would spend the time getting high as a kite in the living room while watching porn on full blast. Her ears would swivel as the exaggerated moans reverberated around the house and she would "entertain herself," nothing better to do. Hundreds of dirty footprints littered the once-cream carpet at the front door, results of her mother's different clients coming and going as they pleased. Her mother, considered the 'exotic beauty,' was quite popular with the clientele.

☁ "The coppery, rusted hinge of the ancient white freezer protested as it swung open, perfectly framing the bleak face staring into the stinking, empty cavern. It was empty save for a few frozen fish sticks, a cup of some mysterious white substance, and a single popsicle, all very obviously well past their printed due date. A low growl emerged from the coyote's stomach and she held her abdomen, face crinkled in agony. Leaving the door open, Sooyeon Jung reached behind her to scoot over a small stool, the splintering wood poking up dangerously. The legs squealed against the tile floor, the noise echoing throughout the eerily silent house. Stretching up on her tip toes, Jung grabbed the box of fish sticks, quickly ducking back into her room. It was dark despite being only 8 PM, the solitary lightbulb in the room having burnt out ages ago. She sat in the corner, a shape puzzle sprawled out by her foot, and slowly ate the frozen fish sticks, every last one of them. The sharp taste of rot filled her mouth and her stomach grew cold."☁

Her mother often boasted about being 'the BEST mommy in the UNIVERSE," but truthfully knew little to nothing about raising a kid. Every Christmas, birthday, or special occasion, Jung would receive something weird, not suited for a girl her age. Once it was a USB drive. The next year it was a sock. Often unsupervised and bored, little Jung would take trips to the store to steal herself something to eat or entertain herself with. Sometimes she'd sit outside the closest video store and watch cartoons on their demo TV's. Her favourite show was Wolf and Mouse, a rather violent chase cartoon marketed towards older kids. Jung had sort of a sick fascination with the main antagonist, Wolf, preferring to watch him maim and slaughter mouse instead of rooting for their escape.

☁ "The fluorescent lights of the neighbourhood Piggly Wiggly were bright, and hurt Jung's eyes. The coyote stared up at the shelf packed full of different games, each one a different sort of neon temptation. Digging through her single pocket procured a pawful of fuzz and a solitary, rusty penny, not even enough to buy a single sweetie from the bargain bin. Her face grew sweaty as she fidgeted in place, quickly darting out a grimy paw to snatch the object of interest- the new Wolf and Mouse portable game system. She stuffed it down the front of her overalls, ignoring how the sharp plastic cut her skin and made her bleed. As she turned to leave, the exit seemed to disappear and her head started to spin, dropping down onto all fours as the bulky security guard glanced her way. She ran, pure fear driving her forward. The tile was slippery under her paw pads and she cursed as she skidded. Cold glass hit her side as she slammed into the door, tumbling outside onto hot asphalt. Jung laid there, panting heavily for what seemed like hours. Rolling onto her side, she reached into her shirt and retrieved her prize, the now slightly cracked game system. She smiled a huge, toothy grin, full of broken, rotting teeth as she held the game to her chest once again. "Next time," she thought, "next time will be different." ☁

In her early teenage years, Jung began to attempt suicide quite often. Tired of her mothers constant berating and the awful lifestyle she endured, she would think of new ways to end it, usually ending in horrible failure and a beating from her father if he was home. Jung left her household at the young age of 13 with nothing but the clothes on her back and her father's stolen pistol, and moved in with a male german shepherd she'd met at the library who went by Duke. Together, they planned her escape. A heinous encounter with Duke left him dead and Jung on the run, scared shitless and in tears. It was at this age that Jung discovered her love for killing and the rush that she got while doing so. Killing gave her control over who she did and didn't like, and boy, she did like that. It was just like her cat and mouse game, and she got to be the cat.

☁Jung's paw wrapped around the tarnished handle of the freezer, pulling on it gently. The small coyote pulled herself upwards, claws scrabbling against the slippery laminate. A thick layer of dust coated the top of the freezer and she sneezed, the fridge teetering dangerously under her weight. The heat from the light bulb scorched her face and she slipped the rope dangling from it around her sore neck. She closed her eyes for what she hoped would be the last time and jumped. A crack echoed throughout the house as the light bulb tore from the ceiling, sending bits of plaster and wire raining down onto Jung's body. "Fuck!" She cried out, slamming her fist into the floor. Glass shards dug into her and she cried out again, pulling herself to her feet. "Die, die, just end it all!" Her words were punctuated with sobs and she threw open the freezer door, tears growing cold on her face. Digging her claws into the thick layer of ice on the bottom, she forced herself inside, the rope still dangling from her neck. She heard the front door open and the sound of her mom giggling, probably already undressing. Tears streamed down her face as she ran outside, her hot breath mixing with the warm night air. She ran, ran and ran straight to Duke, who caught her small body with open arms. She didn't know where to go, her brain felt like mush and her body even worse. As she slid into her makeshift bed, the sheets cool against her burning body, she felt something warm touch her thigh. The fur on her cheek ruffled as she felt Duke's hot breath against her face, his torso pressed against hers. She didn't want it. Not here, not now. He grabbed her wrist and she grabbed her gun. Bright crimson spattered the ceiling. The tears had started again and she wiped them away furiously. Nobody needed to see her cry. Not even the corpse slumped over in front of her. She ran as fast as her paws would carry her, blood smeared across her front, staining the white fur on her chest a coppery red. The taste of bile was acrid in her throat but she felt free, free from the rules and regulations of home. No, this was her home now. A giggle escaped her jaws and she threw her head back and cackled. Some would say she snapped. To Jung, it was a game. He looked so funny when he slumped over. He looked more amusing when he was dead. She liked him better that way. He couldn't hurt her. Now she was the wolf, and everyone else was a mouse, and if anyone tried to hurt her again- "They'll be sorry for crossing me." ☁

Her mid to late teenage years were whee she learned to hold her own. She patrolled the streets looking for a fight, whether it be by stealing their cash and sending them running, or by leaving them wheezing in a pool of their own blood. As she slid off her jacket in preparation for her daily dumpster dive, she noticed a glinting shard of metal sticking out from under the debris. A little rummaging procured an ax, beat up and worn but still working. Flecks of dried blood stained the blade and she grinned widely, swinging it down with a thump. It was the tail end of her teenage years that Jung met Prudence. The possum was causing a scene at the liquor store, yelling and screaming and throwing stuff about. To Jung, she was the most beautiful creature that she'd ever seen.

☁"Fuck!" The ax slammed into the concrete, the metallic, loud noise echoing throughout the alleyway. Blood bubbled up into her mouth and she bent over coughing, resting her weight on the strong handle. Panting, she wiped her muzzle on the back of her sleeve and spat, glaring at the panther who lumbered over her in the dark. "You fucking bastard. If you come any closer, I'll have you squealing like a fucking pig!" Fumbling for something, anything to grab onto, she found a door and darted inside a dimly lit liquor shop, the smell of must and cockroaches heavy in the air. "I told ya, I'm 21! There's nothing wrong with my ID!" The raspy voice pierced through the silence and made Jung prick her ears. Paws balled up into fists, a young female possum was nose to nose with a portly rat, presumably the shopkeeper. "And I told you that I ain't selling you shit, little girl." Jung sneered, hacking up blood onto his already filthy carpet. The smug look on his face pissed her off. Sauntering up to the counter, ax gleaming in the lowlights, she placed a paw on the clouded glass confidently. "What's the most expensive shit you have, ugly?" Without waiting for the rat's reply, Jung scrambled onto the counter, using her ax as support. Fluids leaked from her mouth and she stared down at him, lips curling into a horrific grin. "Do you want to die?" From her pocket she procured her pistol. Empty as it may have been it was enough to send the shopkeeper into a frenzy, his bulbous body crashing into the glittering bottles behind him, knocking over what must have been hundreds of dollars worth of alcohol. Out of the corner of her eye, Jung could just barely make out the possum girl sneaking over to the door, bottle of vodka securely in hand. The door creaked open and the possum turned back, winking at the coyote before darting outside. Her heart fluttered. Jamming the blunt end of her ax into the shopkeepers side, the lithe coyote hopped off of the counter, knocking over a few more bottles before she left. The cool night air felt good against her fur and it didn't take her long to spot the possum girl huddled in between a couple of garbage cans. "Thanks for back there, hot stuff." The possum gave her a toothy grin and Jung felt her cheeks colour. "It's Pru. Short for Prudence. Want some?" Prudence held up her prize, the contents sloshing around. "Jung. Sure." She returned the grin and sat down next to her as the possum guzzled the liquor greedily. As the clear liquid dripped from her new friend's muzzle, the sound of claws on metal filled the air and Jung was reminded once again of her 'friend,' probably still waiting for her to exit the shop. "Shit! He's coming." She growled, wiping up the remaining blood on her nose hastily. "Who's he, your baby daddy?" Jung rolled her eyes as the possum chimed in, slowly rising to her feet. A deep, baritone voice snaked out from behind the dumpster, low and ominous. "So there's two of you now? Great, two sperm banks for me to play with. This day just keeps getting better-" Before he had a chance to finish his sentence Prudence was upon him, biting, tearing into his neck. His paw slapped the floor wildly as he thrashed, unable to reach his the crowbar that he was brandishing before. "Who the FUCK are you?!" She screamed, scrambling to keep her balance. "Jung?!" Without hesitation, the coyote drove the heel of her boot into the panther's head, the sickening crunch sending tingles of pleasure up her spine. Blood and brain matter spilled out and coated the rough street, a refreshing dash of red breaking up the black ground. The possum's jagged maw had widened in some sort of ominous smile and Jung felt her stomach tighten. "Thanks." Extending a grubby paw to help her new companion up, she found the words slipping out of her mouth before she could stop them. "Do you want to hang out?" Prudence gave the coyote a quizzical look, cocking an eyebrow. "We fight well together, don't you think?!" She sputtered, not used to being the one in the spotlight. Shrugging, Prudence took another swig of the alcohol. "Sure, fluffy." The possum yawned, revealing a mouthful of needle sharp teeth. "Just don't slow me down. Jung grinned. "Help me, help you."☁

present day

Jung and Prudence live in an abandoned factory in the 'bad' part of town. There's probably a ton of asbestos and cancer agents lingering around in there, but the pair don't seem to give a damn about most anything. Truthfully, while it's messy and dusty, they keep it up pretty decently. Pru's room is messy, but the corners are free from cobwebs and the mattress is good. Jung's room, conveniently located right next door, has clothes piled up in the shadows. A couple of plants rest on the windowless windowsill, their leaves bright and dewy- she found they get the best light over there. Empty cans of spray paint decorate the hallways, the sharp scent of acetone mixing with the overall tinge of must and stale air. The walls are stained with grime and graffiti, 90's furniture littering the office rooms lining the long hall leading to the stairs. Jung still has her ax, who she faithfully dubbed 'Forget Me Not.' Prudence helped her carve its name into the wood with her pocket knife.

☁It was almost nighttime and Jung was tired. Her eyes burned and she wiped at them furiously with a clenched fist, grinding her teeth together to keep from shouting. The stab wound in her stomach was hounding at her and her legs screamed at her to sit down. "Babe, how long is this going to take?" She spat, coughing as blood poured from her lips. It was coppery and thick and it made her cough more. She kicked at an empty can on the floor, cursing at it for being in her way. "Oh shit! Jung, look at this! Third floor!" The coyote's ears perked up at the sound of her girlfriend calling her name, seemingly coming from nowhere. Swiveling around revealed a carpeted staircase, so worn down that one could easily catch a glimpse of the concrete it was hiding. It was that kind of old office carpet that nobody really likes, the kind that corporate buildings just buy for the hell of it. "Where are you, sweetheart?" Jung called out, limping up the stairs. One arm wrapped tightly around her waist, the other gripping her flashlight, Jung made her way to what she assumed was the top floor. A bright white beam of light pierced the darkness and Jung could just barely see her girlfriend's silhouette illuminated in the blackness. It swept across the room, revealing a dirty wooden floor, littered in glass, used condoms, and bits of concrete from the crumbling ceiling. Turning her own flashlight upwards, she gave her girlfriend a half amused glance. "And there's a good mattress in the building next to this one. We can drag it over here."☁



Prudence [ girlfriend ]

Prudence is Jung's just as gross and mean girlfriend. Jung loves her dearly and would take a bullet for her. A talented fighter, Jung initially thought of using her for power, but what started out as a 'help me, help you' relationship developed into something more. It's rare to see Jung travelling or lurking around without her girlfriend. Prudence is Jung's entire support system.

Artist Info

  • Her hair and inner ears are a pearl colour, not white.
  • The inner ear fur tuft is lavender and her hair tips are light blue.
  • Her jacket is hot pink. The 'no no no' motif is on the left.
  • Her left eye is permanently blacked.
  • Has both kemonomimi/anthro form. Canon is anthro.
  • She has a huge scar across her throat from many attempted suicides.
  • Huge, dangerous smile full of sharp teeth.
  • In kemonomimi form, her hair is straight and a little longer than her shoulders. She has messy bangs that sometimes will overlap her eyes. The tips of her hair are dyed light blue.

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