


6 years, 10 months ago


Starheart. Lives as a cartographer in the capital city.

He's from a far off planet and has come to Silvarum to map out the place. However, he's stayed for a while longer than he thought he was going to, because it's a pretty decent place to be.

He loves to collect rock samples, even ones bigger than himself. 

Relvian secretly has a full alien form, but he's been hiding it, mainly because he doesn't want to scare anyone but also because he's scared people would reject him if they knew the truth about who he is.

He's totally into learning new things - especially from books! - and meeting new people. Relvian's a very open-minded fellow, and he especially likes to try out everything he can. Food, mostly. He really loves food.

He can speak telepathically to others, but often doesn't because of the whole people-would-freak-out thing. Actually, though, he sounds kind of off in his speech as a whole, as he isn't quite fluent in the common language of Silvarum. He mixes up a lot of words and completely misunderstands things in a hilarious way. Relvian doesn't mind that bit. He always laughs it off as a learning experience.