Ned Naze ♂



6 years, 9 months ago


  • Name Ned Naze
  • Called Bear, Neddy, Teddy
  • Age 20-27
  • Gender Male
  • Orient. Pan
  • Types Taurus, INFP
  • DOB May 4
  • Race Bearlien/Korean
  • Role Drummer
  • Theme song link

Ned grew up in a wealthy family. Both of his parents had careers in the arts. His was more social. He was a famous actor and singer. His mother, more of a homebody, preferred hours spent painting and playing instruments. She was part of a large orchestra; skilled in the violin, piano and flute. His parents held and went to countless social events and had their own charity organization. Ned never enjoyed being dragged around to the functions. He wasn’t very social, not even enjoying conversing with his family.

He was homeschooled from day one. It wasn’t a help with his shyness but was great for his creative mind. The schooling focused mostly on the arts, regular classes being held only on weekends. He became skilled in a number of instruments, his favourites being drums and saxophone. Others he was confident playing included trumpet, trombone, clarinet, guitar(5 and 6 string), bass and piano. Ned was also a great singer but his shyness kept him from singing in front of anyone.

He struggled to make friends, even with all of the events he was brought to. The other parents children either teased him or outright ignored him. Never sure why he was treated that way he let it be and found ways to enjoy spending time alone. One person he eventually became close to was his younger sister. They were ten years apart, so they didn’t have much time living together since ned moved out at 20.

Becoming a Dummy

When Ned was 12 he began making online videos of him playing various instruments. People responded positively to the music and he gained a large following. Some, who were fans of his father, always wondered if he could sing too. He often got requests to sing, but ignored them.

His videos sparked a new, but old, interest in instruments. The need for real music started to spread. People grew tired of ‘lazy’, digitized, music with no actual singers or musicians. An appreciation for the talent grew. It was when he was 20 that an apparent long time fan contacted him about collaborating. The fan said how Ned drove him to take up the guitar when he first started seeing the videos. Ned was hesitant to accept at first, but the happiness it brought the fan made him say yes. The fan turned out to be Domino, gifted singer, guitar player and long time model. The two made countless videos, gaining even more popularity.

Only six months later did Domino ask if he wanted to join the band he was in. Ned agreed and the band, Ancient Dummies soon became world famous. Ancient Dummies is a pop-punk band. They do a lot of covers (from ancient times. Like 1920s-our present day) as well as original works. Ned loves it and has made friends through the band and couldn’t be happier.



  • Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Cranberries and Grapes
  • Facemasks/sleeping masks
  • Monochrome colour schemes


  • Hot weather, beaches
  • Being crowded by people
  • Bananas

Ned is very patient. He's shy, spacey, lacks social cues and can be stubborn. He's not great at keeping promises, especially if it means having to go out and do anything with too many people around. He feels uncomfortable or awkward, a lot. He sports highly fashionable eye bags, always, due to being tired, always. Has an odd sense of humour that most don't understand. At times he can come off as self absorbed, due to anxiety around people and will put the blame on others or abruptly leave without a word. Ned does best when he's kept distracted, having something in his hands to fiddle with. It's why he loves instruments so much.

  • Has an online side music project with Domino. Dom sings and sometimes plays guitar while Ned plays whatever instrument he feels like at the time. They mostly do covers of ancient easy listening music and romantic/cutesy songs.
  • Holds hands in strange, stiff positions because he never knows what to do with them.
  • Is the only one in the group that will actually let Domino cuddle with him.
  • Double iris and bear ears come from an alien species.
  • A calm and quiet speaker, even through his minor stutter.
  • Has troubles remembering names.
  • Loses appetite due to nerves.
  • Loves gardening.


[ Bandmate ]

A good friend who got him out of his shell. They eventually date.



[ Bandmate ]

Ned doesn't hangout with him too much; he can't stand Elvy's temper and negativity.



[ Bandmate ]

He enjoys her company. Thinks she's sweet, but wishes she wouldn't care so much about what people thought about her

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