Kennedy Eldren



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Girl (she/her)



Age, Birthday, Sign:

22 // March 9th // Pisces


Vampire // Succubus // ???







K E N N E D Y    ♥    E L D R E N;;

" kiki, dee, kenna "
♥  she'll break your h e a r t  ♥


P H Y S I C A L   ♥   D E S C R I P T I O N;;

physique;; tall, hourglass-shaped, copper hair, wears heavy eye makeup and lipstick
outfit;; mostly grunge/punk clothes with nuu-goth and retro themes -- usually wears high-waisted shorts and killer heels
extra;; always has at least one eye closed

P e r s o n a l i t y;;

♥  a wannabe baddie who loves too strongly for her own good  ♥
contentious, brash, moody/temperamental. With a flawless ego and a stare of steel, Kennedy presents herself as wholly untouchable. She's confident, she's forceful, and she's not afraid to brave a few insults--and is likely to sling a few of her own whenever she pleases. She has a freerange mouth and a forthright way of speaking, and although she isn't quick to disclose her secrets, she is honest and will not cover for anyone. Due to her bluntness she is often seen as contentious and difficult, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She wholeheartedly believes that what you put into a situation is what you get out of it, and everything she has was earned through her own efforts. Indestructable and fierce, Kennedy is ready to leave an impression that lasts a lifetime.

Of course, chisel away at Kennedy's diamond-hard skin and you'll find a side of her that is purposefully concealed. She may seem brash and wild in regard to her relationships, but at the heart of her being Kennedy loves acceptance. Strangers don't faze or concern her, but if Kennedy finds an individual that she wants to befriend, she will take their words and actions into close consideration. She tends to gravitate towards destructive crowds who will give her cruel and wayward nature a chance, but ultimately she finds these relationships shallow and unfulfilling. She keeps a crowd of "meh" friends within arm's reach at all times to satisfy her need for acceptance temporarily, but what she truly craves is one close, unifying, and intimate relationship amidst all the the people she calls "friends".

H i s t o r y;;

Nothing was private. Kennedy's entire life was laced up in the presence of her extensive family, and even when she was young she felt trapped and congested in their constant company. In an endeavor to untie herself from them, she took great pains to find a rough and shoddy town to deter as many visits from relatives as possible. The distance and freedom did her well, and she quickly found herself a new job to work and a new group of friends to run with.
But Kennedy found she wasn't as responsible on her own as she was with the guidance of her parents, and after a few poorly-made choices her job was on the line. However, just days before she lost her place in the shop, a mysterious girl seemed to magically change the mind of Kennedy's boss, and Kennedy had a secure job again. As it turns out, said mysterious girl came from a long line of witches, and was capable of casting powerful spells. Although she was bookish and a little more reserved than Kennedy preferred in a friend, they began spending time together, and before she knew it they were in a relationship.

l i k e s;; Red velvet cake, grunge//goth//retro fashion, rats, D.I.Y. blogs, hairspray
d i s l i k e s;; 
3 P.M., cinnamon tea, the sound of her own voice, most sweets, biting her tongue (literally or figuratively)