


2 years, 7 months ago



Farkas Alexander - 22 y.o - Male - 195 cm

Contemporary Setting

Farkas Alexander or Alex for short is a Romanian/Hungarian second-year medical student.

Due to his resting bitch face and stoic demeanour, at first glance, you would think he hates your guts but underneath his intimidating appearance, Alexander is a caring and gentle person. A good listener and friend, you can count on him to be a shoulder to cry on when you need one but also to be the straight man who will pull you out of trouble and scold you for being irresponsible. 

On the downside, Alex will often become extremely anxious about his friends hurting themselves and he will lose sleep over it, he can become overprotective and oppressive at times.

He is a night owl at heart and he will spend his nights studying for school or playing video games, Minecraft and Darksouls being his go-to.

Meta and Notes about him

Alexander will always have dark circles under his eyes and quite tiny pupils, he rarely smiles and will look pissed off or indifferent in most of his pics.

His fantasy(DnD mostly) setting is actually played by his contemporary setting in a DnD campaign with her friends

I don't mind lewd art but i mostly keep the fantasy version of him for that. The contemporary(main) setting is more personal.

he has an affinity for wolves and the winter ocean

Please don't draw him without pants thank you 

Fantasy Setting

Alexander is a young vampire spawn raised by his "adoptive" parents who turned him, to be an experiment on spawn development and free will when given the choice.

Due to his nature and inexperience, his moral compass is still fluctuating, but his affinity for mortals and the mortality he never got a chance to experience before being turned pushed him to seek out a workaround in his undead nature, his greatest wish being to be able to resist sunlight and see the day without losing his immortality.

Starting off as a monstrous fighter with a stoic and somehow reckless personality who only uses his claws and fangs as weapons, he changes after accidentally killing one of his mortal friends while feeding on him. After that incident, Alex became more anxious and overprotective of the people he cared about, feeling for the first time how fickle mortality can be. He will start learning the art of medicine to have a better chance of keeping his mortal companions alive, he cannot stop a bleeding with brute strength after all.

Theme Song