Demetrius (God AU)



2 years, 8 months ago


God of Knowledge and Curiosity  

Symbols: A wooden cube, a crow feather quill

Sacred animals: Crows, deer

Sacred flowers: Elderflower, sage

Demetrius has had very few lovers over his life. He has no known children. 

Demetrius collects all the knowledge in the world and is always seeking more. His minor aspects include mysteries, riddles, and invention, and he is also a historian who keeps a detailed record of the past. He happily shares with humans what is safe for them to know, though he likes to leave things a little vague so they have something to work out themselves. Demetrius is often called in to resolve disputes and inquiries by gods and humans alike, trusted to find the most honest and equitable solution. In several human myths, Demetrius appears as a literal deus ex machina to end conflicts with a simple solution. Ironically, Demetrius can’t remember if half of these stories are true. Day to day he is likely to spend most of his time in the human world, finding there is more to learn there than among the unchanging gods. He goes wherever there are people willing to learn from him, from prestigious universities to the children that gather around him on the side of the road to learn their alphabets.

Demetrius is considered a patron to scholars, researchers, wizards, and of course, struggling students. He has no set forms of worship, as he likes to see what ritual each person will come up with on their own. However, it’s generally known that finding a meteorite shard or other fallen celestial object means that Demetrius has blessed one with lifelong good luck in their pursuits. Another widespread idea is that if one asks him for an answer or solution, they should tell him a made-up story or a riddle in exchange.