Cassida Romano



2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Cassida Romano/Memoriae

Age: "You should never ask a lady her age!"

Height: 6ft without heels but 6'8 with them

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Straight

Languages: English, Portuguese, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian

Occupation: A well known Thief in under ground crime circles

Relationship: Married to Veritas Memoriae and also a mother to five kids

Personality: She's an extremely flirty and charismatic woman yet most times she can also be very motherly to anyone she meets. Given her softer nature she's a pacifist and prefers to resolve any problem without any violence.


° Pink and Blue anything

° Diamonds

° Old Hollywood Movies and Music

° Winter and Fall

° Dogs and Polar Bears

° Self-Care

° Baking and Cooking

° Driving Motorcycles


° Rain

° Blood and Gore

° Spiders

° Horror movies

° Unkept Rooms

° Stained Clothes

° Violence

° Driving Cars


Cassida was adopted from Brazil and placed in a good home with two loving mothers and their large family. The reason she turned down a path of crime can only be answered with her extremely selfish nature. During the years of a happy home life, her mothers cared for her every need emotionally but physically they couldn't spoil her. Growing up they had struggled for money but that never stopped her mothers from having a great day with their daughter. She was always able to go to the park, or on fun motorcycle rides with her mom, and on some days she went to a family members house to play till her mom's got off work. Her childhood was filled with lots of good memories and family traditions she still holds dear.

School life for Cassida was vastly different from her home life. While on one hand she was a quick learner and got amazing grades, she was also starting to learn how to manipulate people to get things she wants. Especially the Boys in her class since they have always been fond her looks and charisma so sometimes she used it to her advantage. Of course it made other girls in her school angry about how she could wrap boys around her fingers so easily, so they bullied Cassida through out her school years. Once she turned 15 she was able to join a private high school on a scholarship because of her high grades and good standing in her previous schools. Although she was focused on her education so she could have a better future, she slowly started to feel like no matter how much she studied she couldn't make the massive amount of money she truly wanted. Cassida always envisioned living a lavish and rich life and soon starting thinking of illegal and quick ways to reach her goal. Her thieving ways started while in her new highschool where she was able to master pickpocketing on her own. She would treat it as a cool party trick as to not damage her reputation among the other students. Sadly during Cassida's highschool years she never really had true friends. Most of the girls that she became friends with were more so acquaintances to her in fear that they might bully her or spread rumors just like all the other girls in middle school. She started developing trust issues among others and became great at masking her emotions or lying to make others like her.

Eventually, she slowly distanced herself from her family after graduating from private school at 17 to slowly pursue more theft behind their backs. It started with stealing from people's homes that were not in her neighborhood and doing heists all by herself. Cassida was always thinking ahead of time and knew theft was a hefty crime to pay for if caught, so she would always wear a unrecognizable disguise and eventually though networking found someone that made believable fake IDs. She had many false IDs and stopped using her real name and information to keep her old record untarnished. Her theft crimes started to escalate from robing homes to robing banks and from robing banks to stealing from museums. In the crime community Cassida was starting to become a known thief that could steal anything for a hefty price. Because of all the crimes she's committed in the past she's always on the run and bounces from place to place under numerous false identities. Despite being on the run from the police for a long time she still loves her family so she visits them once a year on Christmas. During her annual Christmas visit she often lies to her family about her busy life style as to not worry anyone. Cassida gained all the money she wanted by the time she was 26, but she always felt a bit empty since she couldn't have genuine connections with other people her age or talk to her family without lying to them for their safety.

Fast-forwarding to present day she currently lives in a beautiful mansion with the happy family that she made. Now she feels safer than ever with her husband since hes been able to protect her from anything. Even if their first date was a tad complicated he was eventually able to break down each and every wall she had and make her feel truly loved for all her flaws. In turn she cared for him the same and loved him more than anything in the world. He's the only man that she was comfortable with to bring home to her family. Once they got married she stared to slow down on stealing anything for his safety and to keep her new family out of harm.