DJ_Databass (Nick) (Secure Contain Protect AU)



5 years, 1 month ago


Item #: SCP-21400N-B

Object Class: Keter 

Containment Procedures: SCP-21400N is under no circumstance to be viewed or placed near Doctor Borkowski. 21400N is to be kept in a 6m x 6m cell with NO HUMAN CONTACT. Any Doctors or Class D Personnel that makes physical contact or hold a successful conversation with SCP-21400N-B are to be terminated. SCP-21400N-B should not be allowed within fifty feet of carcasses from any animal organism. SCP-21400N-B requires no food or water to survive. SCP-21400N-B has requested its object class be changed to safe, but Doctor [REDACTED] And Doctor Borkowski have refused to change its object class. 

Description: SCP-21400N is humanoid with the appearance of a teenage boy, standing 1.6 meters tall and weighing around 115 lbs. SCP-21400N-B appears to be Mexican in ethnicity, with decaying flesh and a yellowed left eye. The right eye of SCP-21400N-B was removed in Incident 413-A. 21400N-B is notably 19 years in age, being deceased for eight months as of time of writing. Before becoming a sub-organism of SCP-21400N, 21400N-B commit suicide under the housing of Doctor Borkowski via [DATA EXPUNGED]. Doctor Borkowski brought the carcass of 21400N-B to Containment Facility [REDACTED]. 21400N-B was placed in the containment cell of 21400N, fusing itself to the body of 21400N-B. Doctor Borkowski will not comment on this incident, despite being the [DATA EXPUNGED] of 21400N-B. 

SCP-21400N-B has been tied to the suicides of Doctor [REDACTED] and [DATA EXPUNGED], a Class D Personnel. SCP-21400N has the ability to cause victims to feel extreme pity and anxiety, making victims gain an emotional connection to 21400N-B. Once 21400N-B makes a request of any kind, any personnel within fifty feet of the organism will bend to its will, or suffer extreme hallucinations and panic attacks if they refuse. Some victims reported seeing 21400N-B before its contamination and death, begging for its release from the containment center. 

21400N-B is a sub-organism of SCP-21400N, meaning that 21400N-B cannot be killed by other SCP. Dr. Borkowski and Doctor [REDACTED] Propose it’s use as a testing dummy on other SCP. 21400N-B does not actively seem to oppose this.