


2 years, 6 months ago


Canon . 21 . She/her . 4'9" (144.78cm)

She lives in Entropolis, a musical city full of living, gijinka versions  of songs and music. She's a humanization of the classical song "Canon  in D" (Major specifically) by Pachelbel. Because of the beautiful,  peaceful melody, she has grown to be quite popular as a musician and  performs at weddings and other important ceremonies with her  semi-transparent purple electric violin (it was a normal violin until  her bff broke it oops right when they first met too). Though she doesn't  have too many actual friends, but that never gets her spirits  down...too much. She's kind and gentle, but fun and excitable, and she  enjoys joking around with others, though she sometimes misses social  cues or when subtlety is used in conversation. You can find her in a lot  of fancy, floofed up dresses and flowers, but she likes to enjoy her  sundresses and flowy skirts every now and then (basically lots of cutesy  stuff). She'll wear those more so when she's just going out for fun  like to the tea cafe around the corner for sweets and bubble tea.

Canon knows next to nothing about her past, and while she doesn't think  about it often, she wonders where she came from. She can't sing like  other songs, but yet she's not an Instrumental who has had their voices  willfully silenced, which sometimes brings some negative attention.  (Because, you know, "are you really a song without a voice?" Or  sometimes, "does she think she's better than those who have to work hard  and go through the pain of taking the purer path to become an  instrumental?") It's something that sits in the back of her  subconscious. Her best friend was modded to be a Remix. While, sure,  it's hard to remember parts of yourself and it may change you in some  ways, if he thought that was the right path for him...maybe she can...  and maybe she can become better... and maybe she can finally know  herself as something more than "the wedding girl"...

*Her best friend (and bf cough cough) is almost her polar opposite: a  sweet and charismatic Korean pop star/model who has forgotten his  original lyrics due to modding. (And often forgets how to act properly  in front of her without being a goof)