Zexfet Jujubi



6 years, 7 months ago



Your name is ZEXFET JUJUBI.  And it is pronounced 'zefay'. The 'X' is silent, you INSUFFERABLE TWIT.  

And you are honestly, incredibly sorry for that rude outburst. Sometimes the spirits get ahold of you and muck up your reputation for OUTSTANDING HOSPITALITY. You aren't yet sure who these spirits are, or what corporeal form they may have once possessed, but you're working on it. You prefer to keep yourself particularly ZEN in attitude, to keep those nasty ghouls from using you as a sock puppet. But less about them, MORE ABOUT YOU.  

You like to think yourself an expert in reaching and sustaining altered states of consciousness and being. You also excel in summoning and other forms or evocation. You can thank your gift of low humble blood for the ability to harvest and shape psychic energy, but it also takes a lot of practice and 4 cubic tons of REGULAR RITUAL SACRIFICE.  

You don't actually mean that. Thats a lot of sacrifice. Maybe about 7 to 9 pounds of sacrifice would be less of a GROSS EXAGGERATION. In supplement to your rigorous training, you have access to many TOMES AND GRIMOIRES, detailing spells, potions and valuable informations on the world of the dead, living and just about everything in between.  

You are entirely SELF TAUGHT, and proud of this fact. Sometimes the books show up out of nowhere. But then, most of the things you have seem to appear out of nowhere. You are almost 98.5093% sure that your hive is built on top of some sort of intergalactic magical WORMHOLE or something. You dread the day that these sacred texts grace the hands, claws, talons or extremely long unclipped disgusting fingernails of the WRONG BEING. Which is why you try your hardest to KEEP THEM SAFE; each one protected under an individual spell of your own creation. There have been no attempts to steal them yet and you aren't sure some of them have ay value at all besides what you place on them, but you know that it is better to be safe than suffer what you're sure will be dire consequences. 

You have a bit of a DISFIGUREMENT. You would be so glad to harbor an existence where nobody would STARE, or ask disturbingly personal questions. But that is NOT THE CASE. You have a pretty standard list of answers you give the curious, as answering questions is IN YOUR NATURE. No, you were not hatched like this. Yes, you are BLIND IN ONE EYE. That is all you prefer to divulge to any one troll. Your face is kind of a touchy subject. 

You sometimes dip into the art of divination, but not too often as many trolls seem to get quite offended at the all too frequent fate of DYING A HORRIBLE PAINFUL DEATH ACCOMPANIED ONLY BY THE EAR BUBBLING SCREAMS OF THE DREADED UNKNOWN AND THE ICY HOT GRIP OF THE BREATHING EMBODIMENT OF WAR, SUFFERING AND MALCONTENT. 

Dangit. There it goes again.  Your trolltag is litanousTutelary and you Wood greatly appreciate a nice cup of grub tee. or maybee a nap as well.

This fantroll is meant to go along with Rubidi!