Kylee Fenris (Revamp)



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Kylee Fenris






November 17th


Bisexual Homoromantic - closet case/in denial


Spanish (Half Amercian)






155cm/5'1ft (ft rounded up)




Appearance: A thin but somewhat toned guy, a combination of shaggy and fluffy hair dyed black. Dark red eyes and sharp teeth (particularly the canines). His figure is rather feminine and he has noticeably (but not a huge bunch) larger hips and rear. Piercings: (Ear) Two on the upper helix, one on the lobe, one of the lower helix, left eyebrow, two on the lower lip. Stomach and nipple piercings have closed up.

Personality: Kylee is a cheeky and rather cheerful guy, liking jokes. He flings between energetic or extremely lazy not seeming to have a middle ground most the time. A major procrastinator in just about all work he does, tends to work better under pressure. Can be rather cocky and is intensely curious. Kylee can be rather stubborn in his belief's and secretive. He is however rather clean and dislikes dirty places. He will clean if they are not up to his standards. While being on the small side he is pretty confident with women and occasionally has one night stands. He's a prude with men and is completely closeted due to his upbringing despite his breed of werewolf typically being a sexually free race. He may however be a bit more open when drunk.

Background: Kylee is the first born to a leader of a pack in Spain. Being the first born, he was expected to take over as the next leader and was put on various excellence regimes. He was no doubt bright, but it was too much. He also was an extremely late bloomer when it came to transforming at all, he couldn't even transform into a normal wolf. He became extremely stressed and anxious. All of his forced commitments, lack of choice in life and little to no relaxation caused Kylee to have a breakdown, transforming in a terrifying full on werewolf at 16. In his stress-induced state he attacked everyone in sight, not caring who he injured and what he destroyed. When he was finally captured, restrained and returned to normal his father abolished Kylee's stressful lifestyle. However Kylee still had to aim high, he could now function better, having time to himself and able to enjoy life a bit more. He is still however under his father's rule/thumb and doesn't venture too far with certain behaviour due to fearing how his father would act. Also due to this he is a closet case. While Kylee's life is easier on him now he has never transformed since that day, fighting it and completely rejecting his werewolf/wolf forms, too traumatized to accept it. On his last year of high school he found an abandoned injured cat on the streets he decided to take in, only to find out that the cat was in fact a werecat named Angela. Regardless of this fact Angela continued to stay with him. When Kylee moved into university Angela went with him.

Two years now, Kylee travels around from place to place on a motorbike dealing with troublesome supernatural beings as well as the casual cashier job and so on, not settling around very much and he steadily has an increasing bank balance due to lack of spending. Angela has gone back to Kylee's home and stays there, though on the occasion somehow visits him. He won't turn down the majority of jobs that he stumbles upon as he travels really. His father and pack want him back but he refuses to return, wanting to follow his own path.

-His hair is not naturally black, it is also dyed, his original hair colour is white.
-Is fluent in Spanish.
-He doesn't get along with his father at all, believing him to be cold and uncaring.
-He would love to learn to dance some more
-Can sing but is too shy to.
-His voice can reach very low pitches but not very high ones despite his small stature.
-He can't handle and doesn't like the cold.


  • Kylee can be seen wearing non-'suspicious,' or slightly feminine clothing because he can't find many men's clothes that fit him, though he now wears a leather jacket over it all.

Species Info

This species of werewolf are able to transform into a wolf and a werewolf/half werewolf form at will, their ability to control varies depending on the werewolf itself. The majority of this species is not dictated by the moon, though werewolves are definitely more liable to transform during them, it seems to affect them somehow. Strong negative emotions such as grief or anger can force the werewolf to transform. The full moon also tends to bring these emotions out more, in fact they all tend to be amplified. The intelligence of the werewolf while in werewolf form varies depending on the person.

-Gold: Gold acts like a poison and/or acid, though only when it actually penetrates the skin enough, making them able to touch it. Those who have piercings have to get them in another metal first before they can wear gold piercings. Particularly the Fenris and a few older family lines have a stronger weakness to gold.
-Wolfs bane: Wolfsbane depending in the doseage may calm/put to sleep or poison the werewolf and despite the risks of poisoning it is used in several medicines based on controlling some werewolf functions. Otherwise it acts like a poison.
-Bright flashes: Temporarily blinds, especially in dark lighting where they have to readjust more.
-High-pitched noises: Werewolves have heightened hearing, so naturally loud noises and those of higher pitches are painful and more damaging.
-Beheading: The universal cure for what ails you
-Not immune to disease and other disorders and can still die by normal means

Common Powers/Abilities
-Sensitive hearing, smell and some aspects of vision, most commonly better night vision
-Inhuman healing
-Teeth: Far more durable and can break a variety of substances (werewolf form only for omegas)

Every born member of this werewolf species is born with what is called a "secondary characteristic." This secondary characteristic often depict's some behaviors, biological functions and growth. There are three different characteristics that the werewolf can be born under:

Alphas are the most powerful and lethal werewolves. They are usually stronger and faster than the other two types, being typically more aggressive, assertive and more destructive in nature and prone to leadership. They also find it easier to put on muscle mass, are usually naturally talented at sports and physical-related activities. Some alphas find it difficult to get along with other alphas. 10% roughly of the species population are alphas. While Alpha's are less likely to get ill/diseases or be born with them they have little or no superhuman regenerative abilities, most at human level. Though in general they take damage less and are tougher. They are also more resistant to gold and wolfs bane.

Beta's are more powerful than omegas but less powerful than alphas physically, so basically your average werewolf and display a variety of personalities, interests and temperaments. They are the most common at 87% of the population


Are the physically weakest of the three however on average are far smarter and possess a higher IQ. It seems their pain tolerance and in a way durability in that regard is the highest of all types however they are also the most effected by wolf's bane and the inflections from gold. They are also the the only one out of the types that are capable of going into heat. This however can be suppressed with a mixture of wolfbane and other substances into pills. Male omegas are exceedingly rare, and no one is quite sure why they exist. They make up the last 3% of the population.