
6 years, 8 months ago


       【 Name 】   Azuren【 Alias 】   A, Azure, Oz
       【 Age 】   N/A; 20+【 Gender 】   Male
       【 Species 】   Seeker【 3rd eye location】   Forehead (horizontal)
       【 Height 】   6'7" (201 cm)【 Build 】 Tall and lean with some muscle
       【 Alignment 】   Neutral/Chaotic good【 Role 】   Vagabond
       【 Orientation 】   Pansexual【 Status 】   Traveling wherever, probably alone
       【 Voice claim 】   N/A【 Theme 】   Mister Wives - Vagabond

            Azuren is a very peculiar one. (meaning I'm still working on it, lmao)


【 3rd eye location】Forehead (horizontal)【Eye Color】Bright yellow
【Tail style/cut】Wavey【Tail color(s)】Teal hair; baby blue and cream/off white
【Ear style】Lop【Ear color(s)】Inside is cream/off-white; back is baby blue
【Pattern】Fancy waves, swirls, and dots【Pattern color】Gold
【Clothing】Cloak that reaches a few inches above his ankles with a hood he occasionally wears【Clothing color】White cloak with gold accent button to hold it closed

            Azuren is rather tall for someone of his age and build, measuring up to 6'7" (201 cm). He's more of on the lean side, raving slightly long legs, but he has some muscles. The hair on his head and tail is a nice teal color. His eyes are a bright, almost glowing yellowish-gold. The little patterns on his shoulders shins, forearms, and pelvis area are a gold color as well, akin to a fancy trim on white furniture belonging to a person of nobility. The front of his torso also has the cream/off-white color on it, the rest of it being a sort of cyan like his hair and baby blue. His hands feature a very pale blue and his face and tail have a baby blue to cream/off-white gradient.

4990317_MYb5AZ785cAotJB.png?1508658826            When Azuren was born, he was born to a very small group of Seekers, trying to hide away from the world. When he was a little kid, he used to wander off a lot. One night, he wondered off further than he was allowed to, and in the dead of night, he was taken from his group, sent hundreds of miles away from his family, and sold off to a rich family for cheap. He was one of the many creatures and beings who they had owned to exploit their powers. As he grew older, they had abused his powers to see into the future more and more, often time not letting him get the proper rest for using his ability that he needed, and so he ended up falling deathly ill. As his survival instincts kicked in to cling to life while his owners forcing the use of his ability made him inch closer to death, he tried fleeing in the cover of night as a last ditch effort to live. Once he had successfully fled their grasp, he hid out wherever he could over the next few years, slowly getting better and not allowing his ability to be abused any more. Once he was fully grown and an adult, he snuck onto a cargo ship and hid below deck, traveling to somewhere else where he knew they would never get him. He eventually ended up in a desert-like landscape after traveling for such a long time, feeling a little at home. eventually, he decided to practice using his ability again, but to use it to help others who wouldn't abuse it this time. He travels from village to village and town to town, using his ability for those less fortunate in life to help them figure out what the future held for them. While he found his travels very lonely at times, he stayed distant from others most of the time in fear of someone abusing his ability once again. He still travels place to place, never really settling down and hoping to possibly meet someone he can trust and will join him on his travels one day.