Mae (the cats)



6 years, 6 months ago


I'll draw this character later. They were a character of mine I had as a kid from my beanie babies collection.

Mae is a small cat who lives for exploration and adventures. She drags her best friend Blizz around on her adventures. She loves to also do detective work, but mostly enjoys discovering new things and exploring new places.

She is brutal and very aggressive. Her stubbornness and inability to determine risk has put her into a lot of trouble. She has been caught and charged with trespassing several times and her aggressive nature has let her to commit murder when the victim was in her way. 

Although she love adventuring and investigation, she is not very observant. Her mind is always racing so it is very hard for her to focus.

Mae sometimes works for/with Francesca in her experiments. She does not really care about what Francesca is doing so does not feel one way or the other about it.