


2 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Mandragora Randrag

Age: 137

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Questioning

Height: 6 foot 

Personality: Mandragora is about as blunt as a hammer. While she is decent to many she interacts with, she is very much dedicated entirely to her quest for revenge. She hardly ever allows herself to give favors to random people who she meets, but she is not openly malicious. Her upbringing has led her to be quick and efficient in killing, unlike many other Khanite covens who do not relish slow deaths. Her speaking habits are much the same, short, skipping the stuff that can be discarded.

What is odd however is what happens when she is in a social environment. While at a party or even a one on one talk with someone she would rather not die, she will have a hard time speaking words at all. Often averting her eyes and in general, attempt to not make a fool of herself. 

Bio: What does one do when their life is a lie? Many try to escape, find the truth, and get away from the worse parts of their life. Mandragora did not have this option. She had two choices, except she had learned the grand lie Morathi, the shadow queen, had made. To accept Khaine was alive once, but now is nothing more than shards scattered across the mortal realms to empower the Shadow Queen and stay with the covens. Or do as she did and fight. She initially refused to believe her faith was a lie and her years of suffering and pain had been for nothing. Her hopes were dashed as she stood above the bodies of many of her supposed sisters in faith. 

Usually, she's clothed in a Hyshian body suit with the bit of armor she was trained in. If it could even be considered armor. Besides this, she always has on her head the Witch Crown she had been given after saving a Khanite temple from Slaaneshi Deamons. While having no REAL benefits besides being almost considered her staple, the crown is made of five crescents aiming upwards with a hanging blood gem between her eyebrows and two gold chains beneath each eye. Mandragora's weaponry is vast for a former Khanite, a Scarath greatsword with runes of latent magic which envigorate the wielder with every kill. Besides her primary weapon, she has a bladed buckler, a small Sciance knife, 10 barbed throwing daggers, and a broken spear tip of a Melusai Ironscale spear.

She is very skilled in using each of her weapons, but her ability with the Scarath is considered unmatched by on-lookers. Quick and powerful strikes that leave few if any, openings in her guard. Mandragora feels incredibly comfy fighting as many opponents as possible, as many of her strikes can cleave through bodies with ease.

Mandragora has dedicated herself to one goal now. Killing Morathi-Khaine. The false goddess who had ruined her one lot in life. The Shadow Queen would die by her hands one way or another. She did not care if she died or if the mortal realms burned in her wake. Morathi will die, All lies will be exposed, and the Daughters of Khaine will pay with blood. 

Pet Handling

Social Ques
She tends to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Whatever moment that may be

SPICY books
Solving problems

Restrictive Clothing
Hair Cuts